Transport To The Hospital

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Legate Cobalt's front yard and the street in front of it were crowded with emergency vehicles. A Space Girl flying saucer sat on hedges at one side. Cobalt had never seen so many Law Enforcer vehicles in this neighborhood, but they illuminated the scene with blue and white lights.

The first healers on the scene had begun by triaging the wounded, including Tomoe, before calling for back up. They'd decided the possible concussions needed transport before the girl, but another ambulance was on its way.

Enforcers had taken custody of the assailant that had made it into the house. She was the only one still conscious, which Cobalt felt was better than the carnage Black had caused during her assault. Not that she blamed her; four on one with people shooting at you, didn't give time for subtlety. The three stun victims, including Bandile, were cuffed in a neat row near the flying saucer. A wary Enforcer Girl watching over them while her boss yelled at Space Woman Black.

"What happens now?" asked Orea. "Are you going to be arrested, Mother?"

Since that hadn't happen yet, she said, "Don't think so, but there will be lots of questions that need answering. With so many wounded the medics aren't going to transport anyone, just do battlefield triage till more help gets here."

Orea looked at Tomoe strapped unconscious to a backboard with half her head covered in bandages. Her hand again felt along the smooth skin on the side of her own head. She felt the stubble growing where only burns had been. Had Tomoe traded for her curse?

Sophia caught the motion and said, "This isn't about your healing, Orea."

"No, daughter," said the legate. "This is the culmination of much bigger things. That the Wild would attack us...that is a very bad."

"And Space Woman Black putting two of them in the hospital won't help," added Sophia.

There was a whine of engines and they all looked up. A pie shaped craft came to hover over the scene. "Mmmmm," said Cobalt, "I'm not sure there is a big enough area for a sector to land. It's gotten kind of crowded."

There was a low hum to one side and the Flying Saucer rose off the ground. Black and the enforcers prodded the prisoners into movement to clear the way. Cobalt's landscaping was going to need a lot of work.

Once the sector landed a full Rainbow of healers piled down the ramp. A woman dress in a pale yellow dress more appropriate to a dinner party than a crime scene surveyed the area. Once Sunshine located the girls she headed for them yelling, "Healer Blue, over here."

A medic changed course and got to the group at the same time as Sunshine. Blue was the first to speak, "This the burn and stun victim? Point blank with a ray gun?"

"Yes," said Cobalt, "and compressed against a Warrior's armor."

"Well, the fact she hasn't woken up yet is troubling, but her vitals are good," she kept her examination going as she talked. "The sector can probably handle all the other wounded. Even treat them on scene, but this one really needs to be evaluated in the neuroward." She glanced up at the woman in yellow.

Sunshine nodded understanding, there was a balancing of need on a scene like this. The girl seemed one of the least wounded, but might actually be the worst damaged. She needed a hospital, the others just care. "We could use the first ambulance for her transport, while you all treat in the sector."

Cobalt looked around the scene. More Enforcer vehicles were here and the street was a blocked mess for as far as she could see. "Going to take some doing to get that vehicle out of here."

Sophia called out, "Mom, we need Robert." Those around her looked confused, but Space Woman Black said something to the head Enforcer and jogged toward them. "Robert, is Mother's flying saucer."

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