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𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧

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𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐨𝐧

I spent lunch with Emma and my friend group. Honestly, it didn't feel like we were friends. They didn't really talk to me. They isolated me with snide, passive aggressive remarks.

I knew it was because they thought I betrayed them by not telling them the answer to the question of the first round. It reminded me of how I always sent them homework answers when they were partying or dancing at some nightclub.

"Aren't you, like, grounded?" Tiffany Huang would always say. "You have plenty of time to do the homework and send us the answers."

"And don't get a question wrong like you did last time," Maria Yang would always add.

I didn't really like saying no so I agreed every time. Which was practically every day.

"Is it true?" Esther Lam leaned in, speaking to me for the first time since lunch. "About Aurora?"

I froze. For a split second, I thought they were meant about the red envelope and our revenge but then Maria said, "It's all rumors, Esther. No way she got a perfect score on her exam."

"I heard it from Jasmine," Esther retorted, combing through her hair. "Apparently it surprised her too because when her brother, Talon, asked Aurora, she refused to tell him."

Tiffany rolled her eyes. "She's so shameless. Interrupting a poker game just to get Theo's attention. Then causing a riot." She pouted because she wanted Theo for so long.

You're just jealous, I thought inwardly. Still, I kept silent.

Esther shook her head but I knew her feelings ran deeper than Tiffany's. It was just very well hidden. "She gambled with Talon so that she wouldn't have to tell him her score. In the end, she won the gamble."

"So how did Jasmine find out?" Emma asked, her eyes narrowing in interest.

"Octavius," Tiffany whispered conspiratorially and then they all burst into giggled.

"The Raas are messier than my dog," Maria sighed, looking disgusted at her lunch. We were all given a sandwich, water, and an apple. "In one generation, they have half the family dead, a mad genius cousin, and now a vixen of an orphan. This is why we put our pet dogs outside; they're messy mutts that are only cute on the outside."

I disliked Maria a lot, but that comment really rubbed me the wrong way. Still, I let Maria, Emma, and Tiffany stick to me as we walked through the white room for the second trial. Esther and a few others of Emma's friends, who I wasn't as close to, followed behind me tightly.

"What's that yelling?" Tiffany whined after hearing the flurry of whispers coming from the front of the room, near the table where Dr. Calandra stood.

Tiffany shoved someone out of the way so that we could see what was causing all the commotion. She looked visibly confused. "Blenders?"

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