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𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧

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𝐦𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧

"This is it," Selene muttered as the three of us drifted together. "They're announcing the results."

The ten miles from the last trial I survived were brutal, but they felt worth it when I realized I could eat desert tonight without feeling guilty. Hours later, all the finalists were dressed up in formal evening attire as we mingled around St. Helios Academy's ballroom.

"This hor d'oeuvre is delicious," I remarked.

I plucked the caviar off a passing server's tray. I offered it to Aurora, but she distractedly shook her head and let her gaze wander off around the perimeter. I let out a sigh. Did this girl ever stop dissecting the situation?

"Will you focus, Madeline?" Selene snapped, frustration evident in her tone. "If we don't become students here, how the hell will we ever get our revenge?"

"Here's the thing about you, Selene. You're all about revenge until it's too hard."

Selene gritted her teeth. "You don't get to say that to me-"

"Excuse me," a smooth voice interrupted from behind me. "May I borrow Madeline?"

Selene paled a shade lighter. Aurora finally seemed to snap out of her trance and sharply tossed me a glance. I turned, meeting Zayden Tran's inquisitive eyes.

I anticipated this because we had spent some time during our ten mile run, even though it was in relative silence, but Zayden approaching me still caught me off guard. Reflexively, I straightened my shoulders.

At least I knew that I looked my absolute best with a custom deep green gown and gold-dipped pearl necklace.

"Yes?" I responded in a light, even flirty voice.

He dipped his head to the corner of the ballroom. "I'd like to go somewhere more discreet for this conversation."

I let a sultry smile curve my lips. "Of course, Zayden. Lead the way."

As I followed Zayden, I made sure to wink over my shoulder to Selene to emphasize that I was making progress while she was not. Selene pursed her lips and looked away. Aurora leaned in to whisper something to her before walking away.

Towards the direction of Theodore Jeong.


"Have you thought about my offer?" Zayden wasted no time nor breath asking me the question.

"Which one?" I asked, purposely making it difficult for him. I enjoyed the way he imperceptivity flexed his jaw in frustration.

"I won't repeat myself, Madeline," he said, softly. It was unfair that Zayden was physically intimidating without trying while I was not. "You will be serious or I walk away. I won't offer you this again."

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