the one where theres arson and overcooked food

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He propped up a white erase board on the desk in his very messy and currently trash filled room:



First and foremost: these two things... Maybe he should also try and map out everything that happened? But did he remember everything that happened in the right order? He fell back onto his bed with a plop. "How am I supposed to talk to Kazutora?" he mumbled. "Should I just like... get thrown in jail? Kazutora is in jail right now isn't he?"

If Chifuyu were here he'd have a plan. Chifuyu was too smart for his own good and wore a constant reassuring smile whenever things were going poorly. He took on too much, without letting people see if he's suffering; he was loyal to a fault; Takemichi's partner in crime or non-crime, he was truly irreplaceable. Doing things without him was much, much harder.

A phone ringing broke through his thoughts, Mikey's name popping up on the screen. He answered the call, putting the white erase board face down, hiding the contents. "Mikey?"

"Hurry up," Mikey sounded uncomfortable, "it's cold." He wasn't expecting Mikey this early but he grabbed a blue coat and made his way out.

Mikey was waiting on his CB250T, hugging himself because he'd somehow decided it wasn't cold enough for a jacket?

Before Takemichi got on the bike, he put the coat on Mikey's head, "I brought this for you." He totally didn't choose to pick out a blue coat specifically because he thought the color looked nice on Mikey and didn't feel immense satisfaction when the blonde held the coat up in front of himself and it did in fact look good.

"Won't you be cold?" Mikey asked.

"I'll be fine," Takemichi assured him, smiling as Mikey instantly put the fluffy collared jacket on after hearing his words. "Where are we headed?"

"Prison?" It was so out of nowhere Takemichi thought he'd misheard.

"What?" Takemichi did a double take.

"I said prison-"

"I heard you," Takemichi deadpanned, "Do you mean we're going to commit a crime?"

Mikey stared.

Takemichi stood there, confused; the silence overtaking them felt abnormally overwhelming. Were they actually going to- no scratch that, was Mikey expecting him to commit a crime?

Mikey blinked a couple times before finally he cracked and erupted into the most heartwarming giggles, "What are you talking about?" He covered his face with sleeve covered hands. Takemichi thought back to the future he'd lept to last, where Mikey was play fighting him over snorting at him. "I mean, if you want to commit a crime-"

Takemichi took the chance and got on the back of Mikey's bike, "I'll pass."

"So no petty theft?... arson?"

"It's not my style" He felt the other blonde lean back on him, but ignored the fact. 

second hand (maitake / takemikey)Where stories live. Discover now