the one with the friendship bracelets

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Recovery from getting your ass beat is a very slow process. He hadn't been awake that long and while his body was calming down, he wanted to scream. You'd assume since he went to the roof to see fireworks he'd be leaving soon, but that was not the case. His nurse had just been gracious (or nervous he'd get up and leave himself, it was a toss up) after overhearing his and Mikey's conversation and broke a rule or two. He'd never mention the fact out loud because he was thankful and didn't want her to face backlash.

There were a couple of areas the doctors wanted to watch for a day around his rib and head, something about bruising and bleeding that didn't sound good but the doctor assured him (and a very annoyed and overtired Mikey) that it would most likely be okay if he just stayed resting. Mikey had reluctantly left earlier, and after he left members of Toman had filtered in every once and a while.

Currently he was halfway through the day. Besides the fact he wanted to leave and do anything productive, his friends were now forcing him to watch shows that he didn't like or that were in another language with no subtitles. By friends , he meant Hina, and she did it to annoy him at first, but as they watched, they eventually gave every character a story and personality. All while not understanding a word of what was being shown to them.

"He gives me bad vibes," Hina pointed at the love interest on the screen, "He's too much of a troublemaker, with the gang ties and all."

Takemichi gave her a look, "I don't like the one with glasses and the eyebrows-"

"Really?!" she exclaimed, "He seems so nice." She grabbed some of the popcorn from his hospital table and shoved it into her mouth unceremoniously.

"How do you not like this guy he's literally bringing her flowers and has a cat-"

"Too perfect," she shot back.

"What about the gang ties and the troublemaker bit?" Takemichi argued, "Also too nice?... Who puts their worst foot forward? Unless they're in an enemies to lovers story?"

"Do you want me to honestly answer that?" she asked, taking more popcorn but holding off on eating it.

That was enough of an answer and she knew it, but he wasn't going to say that, instead he just let his smile drop into this deadpan look. She chuckled at the response and ate the popcorn, looking back to the movie. They weren't together, but they still had this uncanny ability to talk without talking.

It was nice to spend time with Hina without the added pressure of a label. Takemichi had realized in this loop that the label they had before wasn't exactly right- it was like using an oversized bandaid on a broken leg when you have a cut on your arm. Why put the bandaid on the broken leg where it wont fit, when you need one for your arm anyway? They tried to be a couple, when really what they both needed was a close companion. The broken bone comparison was a bit morbid in hindsight, but he was in the hospital so maybe it's reasonable.

Halfway through the next season, Chifuyu unexpectedly visited. They hadn't really talked yet without Baji around, other than when he'd been half awake due to blood loss... So the conversation had left him a little.. B negative. If he could, he'd let himself out.

"I'll go get some food!" Hina made an escape, sensing the tension. Although it was less of tension and just the fact Chifuyu could be quiet sometimes.

When silence overcame them, Takemichi decided, okay maybe it had been tension.

"Uh... Hi," Chifuyu handed Takemichi a pack of dorayaki and a movie, a common gift he'd been getting lately. Whether or not that was Mikey's doing he wasn't sure, but he'd bet some money on it. "How are you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2023 ⏰

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