Chapter Seven🐉

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Zeref's Pov

I teleport in front of the dragon slayers. "You seven must come with me for other people's safety." I tell the dragon slayers, "In a few days there will be a lunar eclipse." I told them, and they looked at me with fear in their eyes. "Get us out of here now, Zeref." Natsu commands. I nodded, understanding the urgency in Natsu's voice. Without hesitation, he activated his teleportation magic and whisked the dragon slayers away to a safer location, knowing that their lives depended on it. As we disappeared in a flash of light, I couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility weighing heavily on my shoulders. I teleport back to the Fairy Tail Guild and into their hall. The guild members looked up in surprise as I appeared before them. "Zeref, where are the dragon slayers? Also, are they okay?" Freed asks me. I take a deep breath, trying to gather my thoughts before responding. "They're safe," I assure Freed, relief evident in my voice. "I teleported them to a secure location. However, they were in a dangerous situation, and we need to come up with a plan to ensure their continued safety." Then Levy spoke up: "Zeref, when you mentioned the lunar eclipse, Natsu panicked." I sighed and said, "Yes, the lunar eclipse caused the dragon slayers magic to go wild. It also causes the slayers to shift into their dragon form and stay in that form until the eclipse is over. It caused the slayers to be very vulnerable and unable to control their powers. The last thing the eclipse causes is that the slayers first marking stage starts towards the last stage of marking their mate."

*With the Dragon slayers*

Rogue's Pov

Me and the other slayer are in manison. I look at Sting, and he looks scared. I try to reassure Sting, saying, "Don't worry, Sting. We just need to stay calm and wait for the lunar eclipse to pass. Once it's over, our magic will return to normal, and we'll regain control over our powers." As I speak, I can sense the fear and vulnerability in the air, knowing that we are all going through this challenging phase together. "Your highness, are you okay?" I asked Natsu. "I'm good, Rogue, but worried about Laxus and Cobra this is their first mating season. The rest of us have been doing this for years, and we haven't mated yet." "Don't worry, Natsu. Laxus and Cobra are strong and experienced mages. They'll navigate through their first mating season just fine. We'll be there to support them every step of the way, just like we always have for each other." I reassured him, hoping to ease his concerns about their well-being during this challenging time.

Gajeel's Pov

I hear Rogue and Natsu talking about how this is Laxus and Cobra's first mating season and how we have been doing this for years, and we haven't mated yet. I couldn't help but chuckle at Natsu's worried expression. "Well, Natsu, everyone's journey is different. Just because Laxus and Cobra are experiencing their first mating season doesn't mean we're behind or lacking in any way. We all have our own pace and timing when it comes to these things," I said, trying to lighten the mood. Deep down, though, I couldn't help but wonder when my own time would come. "I know Gajeel, but remember that the first stage is uncontrollable magic." Natsu says. "Yeah, I know. We destroyed a lot of things." I reassured Natsu, "That's true, but it's all part of the process. Uncontrollable magic is a common occurrence during the first stage of the mating season. It's a sign that our bodies are preparing for the next phase." Natsu nodded, a hint of relief in his eyes.
Sting's Pov

"Guys, come here; we need to go over the stages of mating season." Natsu says this to the rest of the group. As we gathered around, Natsu began explaining the different stages and what to expect during each one. We listened intently, realizing that our own time would come sooner than we thought. "Okay, the first stage is uncontrollable magic and to shift into our dragon form and stay in that form until the eclipse is over. The second stage is heightened physical strength and heightened senses. During this stage, our bodies will be at their peak performance, allowing us to excel in battles and tasks that require physical prowess. However, we must also be cautious, as our emotions may become more intense and harder to control." Natsu paused for a moment, his expression serious. "The third stage is where we get extremely aggressive and protective of our mates, but for submissive dragons, their mates are the protective ones. In this stage, our instincts kick in, and we become fiercely territorial, ready to defend our loved ones at any cost. It is important to remember to channel this aggression in a controlled manner, as it can easily escalate into unnecessary conflicts. Additionally, submissive dragons may experience a sense of security and trust in their protective mates, relying on them for guidance and support during this stage. " Natsu explains the third stage. "Now the last stage is the marking stage, which is where we mark our mate. This stage involves leaving a scent and mark on our mate to signify that they belong to us. This marking stage is a crucial part of dragon courtship and serves as a symbolic gesture of commitment and ownership. It helps establish a strong bond between mates and reinforces the territorial nature of dragons. However, it is important to approach this stage with mutual consent and respect, ensuring that both partners are comfortable with the act of marking." Natsu says.

*The next day*

Natsu's Pov

Wendy was the first one to shift into her dragon form. She looked stunning with her scales glistening in the sunlight, a true testament to her power and beauty. As she soared through the sky, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride, knowing that she was embracing her true nature and potential. Wendy's transformation was a reminder of the deep connection we shared as dragon slayers, bound by a common purpose and an unbreakable bond. Then Rogue shifted into his dragon form. His sleek black scales shimmered in the sunlight, contrasting beautifully with Wendy's radiant appearance. The sight of both of them soaring together filled me with a sense of awe and gratitude for the strong family we had become. The next one to shift into their dragon form was Cobra. His gray blue scales glinted in the sunlight, adding to the majestic display of power and unity among our dragon slayer family. As Cobra joined Wendy and Rogue in the sky, our bond grew even stronger, solidifying our shared mission to protect and defend against any threat that came our way. Then Gajeel shifted into his dragon form. His iron scales shimmered in the sunlight, creating a striking contrast to Cobra's and Wendy's. With Gajeel now joining the aerial display, our dragon slayer family stood united and ready to face any challenge together. Next, Sting shifted into his dragon form. His white scales gleamed in the sunlight, completing the spectrum of colors among our dragon slayer family. With Sting now soaring alongside Gajeel, Cobra, Wendy, and Rogue, our unity and strength were unmatched, ready to take on any foe that dared to challenge us. Now, Laxus shifts into his dragon form. His lightning-infused scales crackled with power, adding another formidable force to our dragon slayer family. With Laxus now soaring with the rest of us, our unity and strength were truly unstoppable, ready to face any threat head-on. Finally, I shift into my dragon form. My crimson scales shimmered with intensity, blending seamlessly with the diverse hues of our group. With my addition, our dragon slayer family was now complete, a force to be reckoned with in any battle that lay ahead. 

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