Chapter Nine🐉

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Rogue's Pov

Me and Sting woke up and saw Natsu in Gray's lap, asleep. Me and Sting walked over there and sat next to Gajeel, then we saw Laxus on the other side of the table with Freed. Then Wendy, Cobra, and Midnight sat with us. " I figured it out, Gajeel. I'm Natsu, mate." Gray spoke. " Yes, finally you figured it out, Gray," I said. "But if you hurt him, I will have no hesitation and kill right there and then." Sting said it with venom in his voice. As tensions rose, Natsu stirred in Gray's lap, causing everyone to hold their breath. Gajeel nodded in understanding, his expression serious as he watched over them all. "Sting, let's not threaten my mate." Natsu says it sleepily. " Yes, your highness." Sting says while glaring at Gray. I hug Sting to calm him down. Then my Lacrima phone goes off, and it's Minvera. "Rogue and Sting, you better come back to Sabertooth now!" then hunts up. Sting's grip on me tightens, his eyes flashing with anger as he stands up. "We have to go," he says, determination in his voice. I nod, knowing that whatever awaits us at Sabertooth will not be good. "Your highness, we have to back our guild." I say this to Natsu and Sting, and I run from Fairy Tail, then transform into our dragon form. Then we fly back to Sabertooth. As we approach Sabertooth, I can sense the tension in the air, knowing that a serious situation must have arisen for Minerva to contact us so urgently. Sting's expression hardens as we land, ready to face whatever challenges await us at our guild. Then we land in the forest at the back of our guild and then change back into our human forms. We walk to the front of our guild as we walk into the guild.

*At Fairy Tail*

Natsu's Pov

Sting and Rogue rush out of Fairy Tail, and they look scared. "Cobra, can you go to Sabertooth and see why Sting and Rogue rushed out of here?" I asked Cobra. "Hey, Midnight, mind going with Cobra?" I ask Midnight, knowing that Cobra has feelings for Midnight. Cobra nods, and Midnight agrees, both heading towards Sabertooth to investigate. I watch them go, hoping they can uncover the reason behind Sting and Rogue's sudden departure. " Gajeel, is there something you might know about Sabertooth?" I ask him. " I've only heard rumors at Sabertooth." Gajeel says. " Tell me the rumors, Gajeel, since it involves two of my people." I demanded. "Well, Natsu, I've heard that the guild master of Sabertooth Jiemma is quite strict with Sabertooth. I've also heard that he believes that his guild has no place for the weak." Gajeel explains. I feel a sense of unease at the rumors Gajeel shares, knowing that Sting and Rogue may have been affected by Jiemma's harsh leadership. As Gajeel finishes his explanation, I can't help but worry about what Midnight and Cobra may discover at Sabertooth.

*With Cobra and Midnight*

Cobra's Pov

I transform into a dragon. Midnight climbs on to my back, then I fly to Sabertooth Guild. As I flew to the Sabertooth Guild, I heard Sting and Rogue's thoughts. "Oh no, we're screwed, and what will he do to Lector or Frosch?" Sting thinks. I can sense the fear and uncertainty in Sting's thoughts, making me even more anxious about what awaits us at Sabertooth. The tension in the air is palpable as we approach the guild, unsure of what Midnight and I will uncover in our investigation. I land in the back of the Sabertooth Guild and transform back into my human form. "Midnight, can you turn invisible and go into Sabertooth to see what goes on in Sabertooth? While I will be out of sight, listen to Sabertooth's thoughts." I ask Midnight. Midnight nods and turns invisible, then heads into Sabertooth. I follow Midnight but stay outside. I start to listen to Sabertooth's thoughts, but mostly Sting and Rogue's thoughts. " We are so in trouble, and Jiemma always says that Sabertooth has no place for weaklings. Plus, in a few weeks, there will be the magic games, and Rogue and I don't win. I don't know what Jiemma will do to Letor and Frosch." Sting thinks, " Why does this have to happen during mating season?" Rogue thinks.

*With Midnight*

Midnight's Pov

As I enter the Sabertooth Guild, I hear the guild master shouting at the members. " Sting and Rogue, where have you been?" The guild master is yelling at Sting and Rogue. Sting and Rogue exchange worried glances, knowing they are in deep trouble with Jiemma. I continue to list to what's happening. Jiemma's anger is palpable as he scolds Sting and Rogue for their absence, making it clear that there will be consequences for their actions. The tension in the guild hall is thick as the other members watch the scene unfold, unsure of what will happen next. I decide to head back to talk with Cobra. As I approach Cobra, I can see the concern in his eyes, knowing that the situation with Sting and Rogue could escalate quickly. "Midnight, cover your ears really quickly." Cobra tells me. I cover my ears, and Cobra shifts into his dragon form and roars. The sound is deafening, causing the Sabertooth guild to shake.

*With the rest of the dragon slayers*

Laxus's Pov

I hear a roar and see that Gajeel, Natsu, and Wendy also heard it. "Come on, that was Cobra's roar. We need to go now." Natsu shouts. All four of us exited the guild, but then Gray and Freed also walked out of the guild. "Natsu, let me and Freed come with you four." Gray asked. Natsu hesitates for a moment before nodding in agreement. "Alright, the more, the merrier," he says. All four of us slayers shifted into our dragon forms. Freed climbs on my back while Gray climbs on Natsu's back. We fly off in the direction of Cobra's roar, which is the Sabertooth guild. As we approached the Sabertooth Guild, we could see Cobra standing outside, his eyes glowing with a dangerous intensity. Freed tightened his grip on my back, sensing something was wrong ahead. We land in front of Cobra, then Freed and Gray get off me and Natsu's back. "So, what information did you two get, Midnight and Cobra?" I asked. Cobra and Midnight explained, from both their points of view, what is happening in Sabertooth. I hear a growl sound, and I turn my head, and it's Natsu who's growling. " Woah, your highness, it's going to be okay." Gajeel tells Natsu.

Natsu's Pov

I growled at what Cobra and Midnight told me. Gajeel tells me it's going to be okay. "It's not okay. Gajeel, that motherfucker is scaring my advisers. He is going to pay, and I need you and the others to cover me." I say it angrily. Gajeel nods in understanding, his eyes narrowing with determination. "We've got your back, Natsu," he assures me before we all head into Sabertooth to confront the guild master. We barge into Sabertooth, and I yell, " Where is your guildmaster?" The guild goes silent. "Natsu, what are you doing here?" Sting shouts, "Well, when you two ran back here in a hurry, I knew something was wrong. Plus, it's that season that I became concerned." I explained. " Who are you people, and what are you doing in my guild?" Sting's guild master demanded. " You don't get to demand anything unless you tell me what you think you are doing to Sting and Rogue," I demanded. " I don't have to tell you anything." The Sabertooth guildmaster shouts. " DON'T SHOUT AT HIM!" The other dragon slayers, except me, " Sting Rogue, why are you siding with them and not your own guild?" A woman with long, straight, and glossy purple hair, reaching down to her lower back. " Well, when I heard from one of the dragon slayers, tell me that you, Jiemma, are you yelling at Sting and Rogue?" I yelled. "I am their guildmaster; I have every right to discipline them as I see fit," Jiemma retorted. The tension in the room escalated as Sting and Rogue remained silent, their expressions unreadable. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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