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Humming a tune to myself, I did my best to wipe the stains on the floor. I was careful to stand straight, conscious of the bulge on my belly.

Despite Austin's hesitation to leave me this evening, I insisted he go over to visit the dying woman that he'd been called to pray for.
My condition couldn't be the reason he wouldn't help a soul in need.

"I'll be fine," I had told him as I shooed him out the door that morning.

His eyes were uncertain.
"Call me if you need anything, darling," he had said and placed a warm assuring kiss on my forehead before dashing out after the woman's son who had come to fetch him.

I made sure to utter prayers for him after he had gone.

A month after our beautiful honeymoon, we relocated as God had instructed us. I leased out the apartment that belonged to Nisha-since she didn't really have a family she wouldn't have minded, and of course, sweet Ruby came along. The little pup was now a grown-up dog.
We joined a missionary community, the same that Austin had come along with the first time he came here.
We were practically living like refugees. Without a home to our name or any tangible property to call ours, we lived in the countryside penthouse the mission could afford to give us.

I was relatively acclimatized and had made some great relationships with the locals in the one year we had spent here so things weren't that bad. It was necessary because I was now pregnant.

Our assignment was to the category of people whom the world classified as broken. Those who didn't fit into the over-religious church system-drunks, drug addicts, abused people and the like-but who sought freedom. It was a rough task, honestly, but I was learning to love in ways I didn't know was possible before. Our house had become a refugee camp for all sorts of outcasts. Some of the ladies suffering from traumas of sexual abuse reminded me of Nisha. Many times, when we had to conduct deliverance sessions on these people, I would have flashbacks of Nisha.

On rare occasions, like today, the house would be empty, giving me time to myself.

I leaned the mop stick on the wall and sighed. Glancing at the clock, I frowned and rubbed my taut belly. It was already 9:00 pm.

I was seriously craving Peppered beef jerky and I hoped by some crazy miracle Austin would know what I wanted and get it for me-which was an almost impossible wish. I did my best to busy myself to divert my attention while I

Now, it's been over two hours since he left and I was beginning to feel lonely. I had finished the unnecessary chores I ventured into and I suddenly felt the compulsion to journal out my emotions.
There was no electricity to power the TV but my laptop still has some juice.
What if I wrote a sort of encouragement letter to my future self? The idea sounded absurd at first but it soon became quite sensible.

My laptop was already rusty but it came in handy. I was still able to get a few gigs here and there that provided money that catered for our food and other necessities.

I opened a fresh document and began typing a letter to my future self.

To the ten years older me,

Dear Judith,

You're 37 now. How time flies! I'm sure you're still as tight with the Holy Spirit as you were 10 years ago.

Remember the day Nisha called you daughter of thunder? I do hope you're living up to that name. Remember how you came up with that name?
Lightning and thunder are 5 and 6. When Jesus called James and John sons of thunder, it resonated with you both and you gave yourselves that title. And, come to think of it, it was like prophecy. Since Nisha was Lightning, she came first, but for a brief flash. Judith, you are more enduring, and the sound of your roar must reverberate through the earth.
I'm sure you still miss Nisha. Her memory is forever etched in your mind.

I don't know where you are right now. Maybe you're still in Madagascar or you've been tossed by God to the center of the Kalahari desert. *Inserts nervous laughter* (I sincerely hope not...)
Either way, I want to let you know no matter what you're facing now, it pays to serve Jesus. Trusting him pays off every single time.

Yes, it's not easy. It takes a lot of tears and trying to reason things out with God. The flesh wants comfort, so it fights the Spirit. But those who are led by the Spirit of God are the true sons and daughters of God. Always remember that.

On to more intimate matters. Don't let your respect and love for the man God has given you wane. Austin needs you. The work God has laid on his hands is not something he can bear alone. He needs your hand, your support, and your prayers to be able to pull through.

I do hope you have a girl. But no matter the number or gender of children God blesses you with, remember to point them to Jesus.

Also, if you ever-

I stopped typing abruptly, my fingers hovering over my keyboard as I squeezed my face.
A sharp pain radiated from the pit of my belly and reached the tip of my toes. When the pain subsided and I slowly rose, I saw that my water had broken. Severe panic welled in me.

Oh no! I was three weeks early. Had I stressed myself too much? And no one was at home with me.
I had to call Austin.

Ruby, who had been lounging quietly in his corner, stood alert and gave a sharp bark.

"Quiet, Ruby," I ordered through gritted teeth. He gave me a soulful look through his big brown eyes and whimpered.

Huffing and puffing as I bent over, slowly marching to the stool where my phone lay, I sent SOS prayers up to Heaven.

"God, please..."

Just then, the front door lock turned. Thank goodness. Austin was back.

Austin had decided that I had a bad habit of leaving the doors open, so he made it a rule that he would lock the door after himself anytime he had to leave the house to a short distance.

Maybe it was relief, maybe it was my overdrive hormones, the moment I saw Austin's frame enter the living room, I suddenly felt weak and slumped unconscious on the floor.


Author's note: It's birthtime, y'all. Judith's baby is coming. Being the first birth, What do you think the gender of the baby will be? Male or female? Or do you think it will be twins?

I think being a missionary is so underrated. We see it as if it's a death sentence God gives to only those who are unfortunate to be his true servants. They are the true evangelists and their reward is great in Heaven. We need to show more love and concern to those whom God has sent to the highways and the hedges. Pray for them, show some support and love to them, send them gifts and don't forget them.

So, you see why the whole thing is titled Lightning and Thunder. It was the connection between Nisha and Judith right from the start.

The final chapter of Lightning and Thunder comes soon. I'm so happy with how God has brought us so far.
Thanks so much for following this far. God bless every one of you.

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