The eventful day

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Eerrick, Miles and Meg return home safely after the occurrence.

Meg walks off into the living room to sit down as she thinks for a moment.

Brooke, Luke and Shannelle all follow each other one by one down the stairs. Brooke looking rather confused but in a concerned way as they all seem a bit flourished.
"Are you all ok what's happened?"
Being unable to speak for a minute as they try to catch their breathes.
"You know how we told you we were heading back to that area on the field to do a bit of communication with the spirits.

Well good thing is, we managed to get through to the "girl". However, bad thing is, whilst we were asking her questions about her murderer, One of the questions we asked was "is he with us now" and as the voice said yes, we heard what sounded like leaves crunching. So, as we looked to where the noise was coming from, which was in the bush! Right! We saw, standing right through the leaves was the guy with his hood up. Oh, and the best bit about it, he had a knife in his hand." Eerrick exclaimed.

Jaws dropped in pure shock.

"WTF, are you all ok?" Shannelle says sympathizng.
"Oh yeah we're ok, we soon dashed it out of there though." Eerrick says.

"Did you get it on camera?" Shannelle wonders.
"Yeah we did." Eerrick says passing her the camera.

She begins rewinding the footage back to the start. She stops it at the part where they begin their contact with the spirits. Watching it through all the way as she waits till the last scene, the clip of Miles asking reaching out again to the spirit box. " is he here with us right now?" She turns the volume up a bit more as the voice replies back with "yes." The sound of the leaves crunching when Miles suddenly focuses the camera on to the "man in the trees." Suddenly pausing it she brightens up the screen as clear as she can to be able to see the man clearly.

"What the-" she says blatantly staring at the mans face but still not being able to see it clearly, she huffs out "f*ck." She says with a slight disappointment to her voice as if she was hoping to discover something more. "Never mind." She says.
Clicking back onto the main screen and then turning the camera off before putting it back on the shelf.

She heads off into the living room to the others.

The night now starts to fall ahead and everyone is getting tired after the extreme day. "Lets just call it quits for a little while of doing anymore mystery solving and exploring, don't you think." Eerrick says suggesting.

"Whole of this from the start had just been f*cling crazy crazy to begin with. Cuz every thing we do and where we go, we always have some ghost shit happen to us and tbh... Yes! Because im not being haunted by anything so yes. We should." Meg exclaims with a soft but stern tone towards Eerrick.

"Alright. From now on, no more ghost hunting. For a bit. Okay?" He says suggesting.

Everyone seemingly ok with it, calling it a night.

The night as it passes on by like timelapse video on YouTube. Before slowly fading out.

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