The "break in"

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A moment after everyone being in shock Eerrick buckles up the courage to check it out.

I don't know but I'm going to find out. He says as he looks around for some sort of defense weapon just in case.

All lights except for the outside lights are off.

However, as he heads towards the back door he hesitantly grabs the handle before waiting three seconds and quickly opens the door. Stepping out into the garden he looks around calling out "hello?!" Still holding onto a pole that he had unscrewed from the mop head.

Walking around slowly he hears a rustling noise coming from a bush, slowly he steps towards it creeping up as he shouts- "whoever's in there come out." But suddenly the rustling stops.

Stopping in his tracks he brings the mop stick up by his shoulder and takes a swing at the bush but only for a relief to see it was only a fluffy white cat with a ginger tail.

"Bloody hell." He sighs.

Shortly afterwards Eerrick returns back inside and closes the door then locking it, screwing the mop stick back into the base.

"What was it out there?" Meg wonders. "Did you catch anything."

"Yeah a cat." He replies back.

Miles does a little laugh.

"Honestly thought someone had broken into the back garden." He says.

"Yeah and me too!" Meg says.

But just then as all seemed to be just a joke, another noise is heard from upstairs except for this time it sounded like something big.

Startled, "that sounded like it came from upstairs!" Blunders Meg.

This time Eerrick takes out his phone to record in case of anything suspicious.

Slowly creeping up the stairs Eerrick's voice pauses to speak out. "....hello?! Anyone up here?"

He pauses to shine his camera flash about the rooms to see that three rooms are closed until he beams his light at the one room that's opened. The box room- where all the pictures and information about the investigation of their journey. It was only that room miraculously left open even though it had been closed beforehand and no one has been upstairs since the time they had came back from school. Something wasn't right. Because....why that only room?

But as Eerrick reaches the room, he looks on the floor to find the pictures and sketches of their "evidence" on the floor.

Miles shortly after, comes up after the silence. To find Eerrick looking down at all the papers on the floor.

"Everything alright?" He asks.

"Yeah, just....why is all of this on the floor?" He wonders confused.

Proceeding to pick them up anyway and putting them all in one pile back on the desk.

Returning back downstairs after they close the door again.

"What happened?" Meg asks.

"The box room with all of our information about the investigation we're doing was all just on the floor." Miles explains.

"What?!" She says. "There is something not right here but i can't put my finger on it." She finishes.

"Has Steph said anything else?" Miles wonders.

Looking back at his phone but to see no response back yet. "Literally, zero." He adds.

Trapsing back to the first message she originally said however, has Miles plundering.

"Remember Steph's message. Something's probably trying to tell us something." Miles states.

"Well clearly not to be messed with." Luke puts bluntly.

"But why the pictures though. Whats it mean?" Brooke says rhetorically.

"The thing is, we've been through this before so perhaps its backtracking us." Miles says.

"Really I'm now starting to question if it really was Steph who actually messaged me."

Now thinking about it, a connection is now starting to show.

"I've seen on YouTube- which bare in mind i know could be fake anyway. But what if something that instead wasn't actually Steph messaging me, but might've been an apparition?" Eerrick concludes.

"Or a hoax." Shannelle adds.

"No clue but i know a few other friends of mine who i know can help us with this."

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