Dad being doubtful😨

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Manya's POV

I ran frantically to save myself. Prayers never left my lips. Yes, I was continuously praying to God. I have full faith that God will help me to fight these bastards for sure. I didn't notice when one of them yanked me harshly towards him. I screamed at the top of my lungs "Leave me you morons...I will kill you...".


I jerked from my sleep breathing heavily and taking in my surroundings. I found Arjun beside me looking all worried, tension was all over his face. His eyes roamed all over my face as if analyzing me.

Sweat beads formed on my forehead. Thank God it was a dream...not to forget a horrible one.

"Hey... what happened?.... Are you okay?" he asked me rubbing circles on my back and assuring me.

" let me give you some water...." and I cut him in the middle, didn't think twice before hugging him. I broke into tears.

He was surprised at first but still wrapped his arms around me safely as if I am a delicate doll

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He was surprised at first but still wrapped his arms around me safely as if I am a delicate doll. And he is afraid that he might break.

"shhhh... relax... and listen to me.... Manyata... you are a strong girl. And you are never alone. You have the power to kill, sometimes with your beauty, sometimes with your power, and sometimes with your brain. Recall the History, Men ruled the lands, and Women ruled them. Women give birth to them and She is always stronger than them."

I heard his every word with full concentration. He saved me, consoled me, and made me believe that I am stronger. He brings back my lost confidence and my courage.

Why do I feel secure in his presence, I was surprised by my heart which craves his warm embrace. I scooted closer buried my face in his chest and cursed my hormones mentally to behave like a silly girl in love. We stayed like this for a while when he pulled back slowly and wiped my tears.

"I am right here. I'm not leaving you" he cupped my face gently.

That's what I wanted, him by my side.

And I didn't realize when I drifted to deep slumber.


We are back from Jaipur, the morning scene was still playing in my mind making me red with embarrassment with each passing second. 


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