Puppylove (part 3)

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Author: ahh I really like this chapter. I hope you will enjoy it too.

~Monday morning~

Rubbing my eyes as I walked to the library. I dreaded having to be at school so early. Still two weeks of library detention left.

Once I checked in with the librarian I began wiping down all the tables and dusting the bookshelves. Oh how I hate cleaning. The only good thing about the library is...

I looked down and smiled unable to complete my thought. I bent down to peak under a shelf to see if he was here yet. Nope, his spot is still empty.

He makes this detention a little more bearable. His smile popped into my head. He has a good smile.

As I continued with my tasks it came time to sweep. "Only 20 minutes till the first class" I said aloud as I began dragging the broom across the shiny floor.

Twenty minutes and yet he's still not here. Where could he be? I hope he's okay. Maybe he's sick. Or I hope he's not avoiding the library because of me. No no no. But what if...was I too pushy last week?

I couldn't stop thinking about the what if's. A few minutes passed and Chimon finally walked in and went straight back to his usual table. I glanced back towards him, my nerves began to settle. I've never been so anxious about whether or not someone came to school.

I need to test the waters. I'll sweep that back area once more so I have an excuse to be back there. I'll see how he reacts to my presence first.

As I turned the corner facing him, he slowly looked up towards me. He waved and automatically looked back to his notebook.

I smiled back at him even though he was already looking away. That's a relief. I was worried I made it uncomfortable.

As I swept near him, I cleared my throat. "Good morning, Chimon."

"Hello Perth" he said with a sweet smile.

"You got here much later than usual."

"Uhh, yeah" he was blushing a little. "I woke up late" he said before lightly chuckling.

"Aiii! You mean I woke up earlier than Chimon today." I tried to tease him.

Chimon nodded and rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, I stayed out late last night with someone. It was very irresponsible of me."

He what? He was with someone last night? Hearing this felt like I was pricked by several needles.

He stared up at me from his seat. "Perth? You okay?" He asked since I didn't respond.

I snapped out of it. I forced a smile, "yeah. So did you and this person do anything fun?"

"Oh, umm, yeah. We went to the movie theater. I went with one of my friends that goes to a different high school. His girlfriend ditched him on Saturday, so I was kind of the back on Sunday" he said laughing at it.

"Oh. That's so nice of you. Well at least you still made it to school on time" I said feeling relieved. It was like my heart beat returned to normal when he said his friend had a girlfriend.

He asked about my weekend and made small talk before it was time for class.

On my way to class I kept thinking about my reaction. Why did I freeze like that? We're just on our way to becoming friends so why did I feel jealous that he was hanging out with someone last night. I thought it was a girlfriend or a boyfriend which hurt for those few seconds. Thankfully that person is just a friend, but still...why would that matter?

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