Puppylove (part 5)

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~Friday evening~

When I rang the doorbell I waited for Chimon to open the door. There was no one.

Don't tell me he's not home. Did he forget? Or is he ditching me? I'm so dumb.

Finally, a house cleaner opened the door. "Hello!" She said.

"Hey I'm coming!" I saw Chimon jogging down the hall towards me. There he is. I'm starting to feel nervous again.

"Sorry I didn't notice the time" he said and came to greet me. He's looking so cute. I couldn't take my eyes away, as the door closed and we were left there at the doorstep.

"Sorry Perth. But I'm ready now." He said, smiling brightly. I was nearly speechless. He continued, "And can I say that I really like your outfit today. This style really suits you."

He's perfect. I replied, "Mhmm thanks. I guess this is the first time seeing each other out of our uniforms." We walked down the stairs and sat in the back seat of the car.

On the way to the shopping center I told him all about the game I had been playing on my PC at home lately.

My driver dropped us off and was on standby for us.

"I was thinking we'd go get stir fry. You hungry right now or not yet?"

"Oh yeah, I'm always ready to eat!" Chimon said excitedly.

As we walked towards the restaurant I couldn't take my eyes off of him once again. He told me about his favorite restaurant. I need to remember it so that I can take him there sometime. I really like when he becomes animated when talking about things he likes.

He has so many interests and can talk about almost anything. It seems like he's fairly quiet but that's not true at all. I think he's just focused at school but when we just chat he can get very talkative. I really like that about him too.

"Oh is this the place?" He said pointing to the right side of us.

"Yes! Let's go." I said. I didn't realize that we were already here. I was engulfed in all of him and the convo.

Once we ordered, it was really starting to feel like a date more than it already was. He leaned on the table across from me.

"Have you been to this restaurant before?"

I smiled and leaned a bit towards him as well. "Yeah once with my cousin and another time with a group of guys that I play football with."

"Hmm that's cool."

I simply nodded in agreement.

He asked another question, "Do you hang with a bunch of guys all the time?

I sighed. "It kind of comes in waves you know. I'll hangout with loads of people for a few weeks or so and then I just hangout with my close close friends for a few weeks and sometimes I'll just stick to myself for a bit and then I'll start hangout with more people. It's kind of like a cycle of energy that I have...I don't know if that sounds weird."

He gave a sweet smile even closing his eyes for a second. Then he glanced around. When his eyes met mine again he gulped. "So umm...does that mean...I'm also a part of this cycle?" He said before looking down to the wooden table.

"What!? No. That not-"

He interrupted, "It's okay if I am." He shined an innocent smile.

I sat up straight, "Chimon, I swear you are not just a part of some cycle. You're different than anyone else. I don't want you with me for only a few weeks. I...I want you to be with me for a long while."

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