Chapter Eleven

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It doesn't mean anything, not yet at least. We still didn't know if the bond took and we wouldn't until my heat ended. I couldn't be worried about that now, I simply had to add it to my ever growing list of things to lose my shit about later.

For now, dealing with my heat and Leo's rut was top priority.

Of course the knothead would go into rut the moment I entered my heat. Bastard was probably on the edge of it the moment I stopped taking my suppressants and has just been holding himself back.

It sounded like something he would do. The whole suffer in silence type was totally his M.O. Never had I been more grateful for Anders's presence in guiding the situation, even if he was smug bastard about it.

My neck still throbbed under Leo's hold, but from the tight grip he held me under and the low warning growl he emitted any time I even slightly tried to move away told me I wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.

"You'll have to stay until his knot recedes. With all the suppressants pumped into his system he shouldn't be able to reach full expansion and it won't last nearly as long," Anders said, as he lazily stroked his cock. Then he leaned back, making himself more comfortable, getting a firmer grip on himself, expression turning inquisitive.

What a fucking prick!

"It's honestly amazing he was even able to go into rut with all the suppressants in his system. I mean, we've been upping our dosage ever since you stopped to avoid this very thing. If you didn't believe before, then you definitely have to now. Without a doubt, he's your fated."

I snarled at him. "If that's true, then why the fuck aren't you all rutted out, huh?"

Anders smirked. "Leo's control is admirable, but mine is impeccable. Never for one moment doubt that the instinct isn't there, because it is. But I have had practice in maintaining my urges. After all, I've been fighting my rut from the moment I met you." His eyes flashed a brighter blue for just a second, as if to emphasize his statement.

I shivered then scowled. "Well hate to break it to ya, but I didn't give a rat's ass about you. You were just another roided up knothead that I had to avoid."

Anders snorted a laugh. "Yeah, I know. You were too busy wallowing in your own self-pity to recognize anyone outside yourself."

My jaw dropped before rage colored my cheeks. And I couldn't do a damn thing about it since Leo was still holding me fucking hostage. I must've looked ridiculous this entire time. The fire died right out of me.

"See if you can move him out of you. But don't try to escape his bite, it could do some serious damage. Not to mention, he might react poorly to you trying to escape," Anders suggested.

I wanted to ignore it out of pure petty stubbornness, but I wanted to be free of this hold even more. My neck was starting to cramp along with the throbbing pain of being bitten.

Slowly, I adjusted my hips, trying to get a little more movement and feeling back into my limbs before testing to see if his knot had deflated. I wriggled left and right before slowly lifting my hips up.

With a little resistance, he slid out of me, following a rush of seed. Anders wasn't kidding when he said the suppressants lessened the effect, I definitely should not have been able to release myself from a knothold that quickly, nor should there have been so little seed from his initial release.

As Anders instructed, I remained still under his bite until eventually, Leo released his teeth from being embedded in my skin, to gently lick the wounds he had created. Each tender caress of his tongue shot tingles down my spine, my scent gland swelling in appreciation.


While Leo was distracted, Anders moved. He crawled forward, gripping my hips in his palms before sliding his cock into the place Leo's had just vacated. I groaned, feet flexing at the welcome intrusion. My heat curled up in my core once again, threatening to take control.

Anders kissed my cheek as I glared at him before moving to my neck near my scent gland where Leo was paying special attention. I expected Leo to give him a warning for invading his space, but the Alpha was surprisingly welcoming of the other Alpha. Together they licked and soothed the bite mark before occasionally finding each others' lips and engaging in languid kisses.

I couldn't even watch from this angle. Bummer.

Despite that, I still found distraction in the smooth glide of Anders's hips as he thrust into me. Each roll of his hips hit all the right spots making me see stars. Then he did that thing, where he circled his hips and fucking Trinity it was amazing.

He never increased his pace, not even when I squirmed and tried squeezing his waist to urge him on. No, instead, he maintained that infuriating control while leaving me out of all the tender kisses.

"Hey! I'm the fucking Omega here, you're supposed to be making me feel good, you good for nothing assholes!"

Anders pulled back from Leo to down at my pouting face.

"You're such a fucking brat, you know that?"

"I'm allowed to be whatever the fuck I want when I'm in heat," I growled in annoyance. Though I couldn't stay mad for long, not when the sight of my blood on th corner of his lips had the lust roaring and raging once again. "Please?"

Anders quirked a brow in slight surprise, then leaned down to slot is mouth over mine. His tongue was gentle as it invaded the cavern of my mouth, never pushing too far or dominating too much. The way he moved, the way he did everything really, was precise and seductive.

The tempo of his lovemaking increased. I wrapped an arm behind me, around Leo's neck to hold on the best I could.

Anders grunted and groaned unable to kiss me at the same time, sweat coating his skin as he worked to bring us both to our next orgasm.

I watched his scent gland swell, almost transfixed by the pulsating veins running through it.

Do it.

I needed no further prompting, ignoring Leo's shout of pain, I struck. My teeth buried into the smooth swell of Anders's shoulder, tasting the explosion of blood any...other things.

My cock released everything I had, quivering along with the rest of us as somehow, someway, we had all reached the precipice of an orgasm at the same time.

How was that even possible?

And yet, it was as undeniable as the steady thud of our hearts beating rapidly in our chests...completely in sync.

Oh fuck, we were definitely bonded.

Is this even legal?

After licking Anders's wound, I pulled away not realizing that something else had occurred when I was otherwise preoccupied.

Anders hadn't knotted me–something I definitely plan to rectify in the near future–so I was able to slide off of him and twist myself out of the Alphas' embrace.

Now detangled from the mass, I could see Leo's head back, throat exposed as Anders teeth buried into his scent gland.

Oh that was fucking hot.

It also made things that much more of a clusterfuck. Why? Because none of this should have been possible. Why else? Well...

My heat finally came full force and I lost all sense of reason.

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