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It had been a few months since we'd made that life-altering decision, the one that took us off the well-worn path we'd been on for years. Now, looking back, it felt like a lifetime ago. Life had settled into a rhythm of quiet contentment for the three of us. That pivotal decision had changed the course of our lives, and we were now comfortably ensconced in our shared apartment, our sanctuary from the watchful eyes of the Trinity Church and the Force.

Our home was a cozy apartment tucked away in a quiet corner of the city, where we celebrated the simple joys of life and learned how to open up to one another. Not an easy feat for a group that held their hearts and their minds close to their chests. The walls seemed to absorb the echoes of our laughter, the traces of our shared dreams, and the warmth of our love. Our bond had transformed into a trio, a secret we held close to our hearts.

God I sounded whipped, even in my head.

To navigate the complexities of society and secure certain benefits from the government, Leo and I had registered ourselves as a bonded pair. It was a legal recognition that allowed us to live more openly, although our true bond remained hidden.

Anders, our resident mastermind, had played a pivotal role in our arrangements. A friend of his, who happened to be an Omega, lost their Alpha a few years ago and had no intention of re-bonding. Understandably, losing a bond partner was traumatizing. Not that the Church cared. Alphas and Omegas weren't allowed reprieve and were often pressured to find another bond partner without being given the proper opportunity to heal.

This Omega had been living in the shadows, hiding their mark, and trying to fend off the Church's relentless pressure to find another Alpha. In a "selfless" act of kindness, Anders had offered to register his Omega friend as his own partner, granting all of us a much-needed reprieve from the Church's scrutiny. It was a clandestine pact, a way for his friend to live life on their own terms, and allowed the three of us to explain away our bond marks.

We shared a mutual understanding—it wasn't in our nature to be the standard-bearers of a full-blown rebellion against the Church. We were more low-key, content with living our lives together without the need for grand gestures. Our happiness was our own, and that was enough.

Still, we carried a silent promise. If someone else dared to step up and challenge the Church's teachings, we'd be the first to stand by their side, to proudly show the world that bonds could exist in different forms, that love was a force that couldn't be confined to tradition or "balance".

One evening, I found myself in the kitchen, digging through the pantry to whip up a meal. Cooking had become my secret therapy session, a way to express my affection for Leo and Anders through the medium of flavors and scents but not sacrificing my prickly charm. Gotta keep them on their toes somehow.

Humming a tune under my breath, I diced vegetables and prepped ingredients. The rhythmic clatter of the knife against the cutting board provided a comforting soundtrack to my thoughts.

Leo's voice, a warm baritone, drifted into the kitchen. "Need some help in here, Micah?"

I turned to see Leo leaning against the doorframe, an intense glint in his bright green eyes. "Sure, if you're willing to risk having your fingers chopped off."

Leo chuckled, a sound I was still getting used to, then strolled into the kitchen. "I'll take my chances."

Leo stepped closer, his presence filling the room. He moved with a quiet grace that always fascinated me, like a silent guardian watching over our little world. "What are we making today?" he asked, peering over my shoulder at the array of ingredients spread out on the counter.

"Spaghetti carbonara," I replied, gesturing to the pots and pans on the stove. It was one of his favorites. I can be nice when I want to.

Leo's lips curled into a fond smile. "You remembered."

As we worked side by side, the kitchen filled with the mouthwatering aroma of garlic and turkey bacon sizzling in a pan. Our hands moved in a synchronized dance, the unspoken connection between us making the process feel effortless.

A soft, affectionate chuckle drew my attention to the bar, where Anders sat perched on a stool. He watched us with a smile, his blue eyes filled with a warmth that never failed to make my heart flutter.

He observed our culinary symphony with an amused grin. "You two make quite the pair in the kitchen."

I smirked back at him. "We're a well-oiled machine." With a slow deliberate movement, licked some sauce off my thumb, maintaining eye contact.

Leo chimed in grabbing my thumb and sliding it into his mouth. I groaned as his tongue wrapped around the digit before he released me with a wet pop all too soon. His voice was a husky rasp, "Just like us."

Anders laughed. "Exactly."

As we continued cooking, the banter flowed effortlessly. Our dynamic was as natural as the ingredients we were working with. Going from high heat to loud laughter in an endless loop.

"I hope you're not just buttering me up for extra servings," I teased, after the sixth compliment I'd received from them.

Anders feigned innocence. "Who, us?"

Leo laughed. "Maybe just a little."

With the meal ready, we gathered around the dining table, our connection as strong as the aroma wafting through the room. We shared stories, laughter, and playful jabs, savoring both the food and each other's company.

After dinner, we cleared the table together, our teamwork seamless and our laughter infectious. It was in these moments that I realized how fortunate I was to have Leo and Anders in my life.

In the hushed intimacy of that evening, I reflected on our journey—the challenges, the choices, and the love that had bloomed against all odds. Our story might not be a grand rebellion against the Church or a revolutionary proclamation to the world, but it was our truth, one filled with love, understanding, and the quiet strength to live life on our own terms and it shone brightly in our small, secret world.

We might never be the ones to challenge the Church openly, but that was okay. It wasn't about defying conventions for the sake of rebellion; it was about living our lives in a way that felt true to us. And in our small, secret world, that truth shone brightly.

As the movie played on and the night stretched before us, I closed my eyes, surrounded by the love of my Alphas. I knew that our story was far from over, but I was content in that moment, cherishing the love that bound us together.

Our bond was our secret, our love was our strength, and as we moved forward into the unknown, I knew that we were ready for whatever lay ahead, hand in hand, heart to heart, and bound by a love that could conquer anything.

The End

A/N: This was definitely not supposed to be this long LOL, but I'm happy with the way it turned out. I wanted to write something light, simple, and short because that is very much so the opposite of what I usually write. And I absolutely LOVED this trio. I can't even say one of them is my favorite because I legit love them all. Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! I'll see you in my next short story Sucker.

Happy New Year my lovelies!!!!



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