Running Away

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"I understand," Spy gets up, dragging her hooves, ashamed of her actions. The tribe mates have already made a path for her to walk out, she disappears into the fog outside. Her tail was the last to go.

Jack turns around, "You guys, on the other paw, can stay if you want."

Martinez had mixed feelings about it. She felt good about Spy owning up to her actions and doing what was done, but at the same time, she didn't want to see her go out into the world alone again. It was dangerous for any Human being to be out there. She felt the need to do something, but the effects of the medicine hadn't kicked in yet, so she had to wait until she stopped coughing.

"We'll stay here for now," Bene says, "I mean, I could use some help too." She looks at her wrapped up arm.

Ban Ban walks up to her, examining it for a moment. "Jammed arm?" He asks her.

"Dunno. Think I broke it," she says, "Can't move it much."

"Where hurt?" Ban Ban unravels the arm.

"It's whenever I move my wrist," She tells him, "and my shoulder's kinda sore."

Ban Ban nods, looking at Jack for permission. He then tells her, "Wrist broken. I fix it."


Ban Ban abruptly yanks her wrist, seemingly putting back in place. Bene screamed, "SHIT!" Afterwards, feeling a strong jolt of pain go up from her wrist to her shoulder.

Ban Ban steps aside for Jack to look at it. "Put some ice on it, and you'll be fine." Jack says.

Bene tried moving her wrist a bit—painful but rather functional now.

"How long does it take to heal?" Martinez coughs a bit.

"About a couple of weeks or so," Jack estimates, "If she ever feels some sort of pain in her wrist again, you know where to find us." He grins.

Ban Ban glances outside. "Snow," he chuckles happily.

"Must be winter already," Bene sits beside Martinez.

"That means we can't settle here for long," Martinez stands up, "Winter is the worst for us Humans, the summers, I suppose not as bad as winter. We have to harvest some food and get as far away from The Sages as possible."

"Are The Sages after you guys, too?" One of the boys ask.

Martinez nods, "They were after Shivers when I first found him, and now they're after me."

"Maybe we can help?" Jack offers, "Our tribe's big enough to take on The Sages now."

"That's what you believe," She shakes her head, "The Sages have more members, more powerful tribe members who have the capability of killing, and they most certainly have the most notorious leader. I can't have any more bodies to be in debt to, so I'll have to do this on my own."

Bene widens her eyes. "Why?! You'll get killed!"

"I'd rather die trying than have all of my friends killed again," she turns her back on her, looking at the falling snow.

"Remember what you promised Pixel?" Bene points out.

Martinez growls softly.

Jack gave Ban Ban a look, and so the giant ushers the other boys into a different room.

"Valarie, you can't keep running from your past," she keeps going, "There's gonna be a time in life where you have to—"

"I'M NOT RUNNING AWAY FROM MY PAST!" She roars, "I got myself into the mess that got my friend killed, and now it's my turn." She pushes Bene out of the way.

Jack stops her in her tracks, "Valarie, listen to us."

"No, YOU listen!" She spits back, "Neither of you know anything about what Pixel and I went through! We were like sisters! She's dead because of me! If I'm going to see her again, there's only one way..."


Martinez roars at him, to which he backs up. She opens the door, but then feels a strong tug on her tail.

"Valarie, I can't let you do this!" Bene pleads, "You'll die out there!"

"Good! I have no purpose being here!" She thrashes her tail into Bene's eye, causing her to let go.

Martinez closes the door behind her, leaving her two friends with split hearts.

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