The Voices in Her Head

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No one knows of the entity that pulls Sandy's strings like a puppeteer from Hell. It's said that she's probably crazy like the rest of her tribe members. Sandy sat alone, fidgeting with her tail. To everyone else, it was silent. Sandy, however, this entity began to pull her strings again. "How does it feel to be triumphant?" Whispered the entity.

"Why do you haunt me like I'm just another neglected child?" Sandy growls quietly, "When do you know how to stop?"

"You made a deal, remember?" The entity chuckles, "I pull your loose strings and get your life together, in return, your soul is mine."

Sandy was now unsure if this was the life she wanted. She wanted to be free from the multiple orphanages she grew up in, the abuse and psychological trauma she endured, and in order to do that, she snuck out one stormy night and summoned an entity. Why did Sandy start hurting others? Like Martinez, she killed others out of fear and anger, however, Shivers was an exception. She solely focused on his life just for the sake of it, and by the time that she met Shivers, she had already made up her mind that she wanted him dead.

This applied to the other prisoners who were kept locked away, as well as tribe members who were forced to follow Sandy's orders to stay alive. She had an iron paw, and she wasn't willing to give up her position as a tribe leader.

The entity began to dig its claws into her chest, piercing into her heart. This was another way of Sandy feeling the strong urge to kill. Her eyes became a dark red, her grip on her staff became stronger, and her resting face became more intense.

It had seemed as though Reign and the others were getting closer to the silent leader; Ban Ban followed close behind Reign, whereas Jack and his boys were a few feet away. They all hid behind totem poles that looked to have been stolen from another tribe. One totem pole was parallel from the other, meaning they were against two walls, tall and wide enough for anyone to hide behind. Jack looked at Ban Ban for a brief moment before turning his attention to Sandy.

Jack had no memory of Sandy being at the orphanage at first, but after taking a close look at her, he started to remember the day where she was first brought to the orphanage. She was fighting off guards and scientists who did everything in their power to restrain her, but nothing worked, until she was eventually sedated. Jack was curious one night and decided to sneak out of the enclosure to see what Sandy was doing. To his horror, Jack had found many carvings on the wall of messages that no one should read. Some of the messages were written in blood. It was no wonder why Sandy was put in an isolated enclosure.

Jack couldn't help but think of the awful things Sandy had done to not only him, but the friends he made. He gestured to everyone to not make a sound, even a peep would land them in terrible paws.

Sandy looks up, staring at whatever was in front of her; it seemed as though the entity was standing in front of her.

Reign gestures to Ban Ban and the others to stay put. She grabs an empty cardboard box and walks out from her hiding place, trying to make it seem like she was walking with it from another room. "Reign," Sandy bellowed, "come here for a moment."

Reign slowly saunters over to her, feeling a dark presence as she got closer to the leader. It was enough to make Reign shiver.

Sandy's face was as stern as ever. "What's in the box?" She says with darkness in her voice.

Reign may have been big and tall, but she was no match for Sandy. Reign utters, "No."

"All of these years, you have resided with us," Sandy began, "I've only heard you say a few words; all of which have shown your dedication and loyalty to me." She looks up at her with darkened eyes, "What are you hiding?"

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