The shishigumi

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*i do not own the picture above*

*flashback* You put a gun to one of their ambassadors chests and pulled the trigger. The lion fell to the ground, writhing in agony. "You.......*cough*......stupid......bit-" he was cut off by you pulling the trigger one.....two....three more times. "NOOOO" one of the shishigumi roared. You walked out of the building covered in blood. "I'LL KILL YOU" one of them roared as he charged towards you.

You dodged him and grabbed the desert eagle you used to kill the guards to sneak in. The lion toppled to the ground and you pinned him with your leg to the ground. "Tell me where your boss is" you ordered as you kept pinning him with your teeth bared.

"I'll die before i tell you" he turned his head to try to look at you. "Yep" you said lowly and pulled the trigger. Blood splattered on the gun and on your leg. You walked to your car and drove back home.

Current day

You woke up to see Legoshi in the kitchen making breakfast. "'re awake!" he said. "I thought I'd make breakfast since you fell asleep yesterday" he said blushing. "Oh...thank you" you blushed. Why is he so cute? You thought to yourself. You went to the kitchen, ate, and went to sit down. You accidentally sat on his lap.

Then, he unknowingly wrapped his warm, slightly muscular arms around you. "Oh....sorry" he apologized. "No i should be for sitting on your lap" you said. You both sat there with ever increasing bulges in both of your pants. He notices yours first and blushes intensely. "You're.....staring" you say incredibly embarrassed. "S....sorry" he said.

"D...don't worry about i-" you notice his as well. Before anything happens a group of shishigumi driving a black 1970 Caddilac Fleetwood drove by. "DAMN" you said. "It's the shishigumi....get down". You and Legoshi ducked down and waited for them to pass.

The next day:
*fyi....Legoshi has a bunk and a house for if he wants to be alone or with friends*

You and Legoshi go to school the next day. "Hey Legoshi" Jack says. "Hey guys" you say while looking down. "Are you okay?" Jack asks concerned. "The shishigumi showed up yesterday" Legoshi said grimly. "Oh shit...are you okay though?" Jack asks again. "We're fine...just shaken up" you admitted.

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