Chapter 16

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Suddenly my phone rang again
I sighed and picked it up

"Hello Angel."
The other person on the call said.
The voice sounded familiar.

"Who am I speaking to?" I asked politely

"It's me your husband. How can you forget me?"
I heard him frowning.

"Zhan ge?" I said

"Damn since when do you call me your 'ge'?" He chuckled.

I blushed and said nothing.

"You got shy? Anyway I have a surprise for you so i'm gonna pick you up in one hour be ready."

Before I could say anything he hung up.

I wondered what he wanted but I got ready as he told me to.

I wore some baggy jeans and a green top that was cropped.

After an hour I went out and saw the car.
Again with a expensive car.
Zhan got out of the car.

"Hello Sunshine." Zhan said smiling at Yibo
Zhan opened the door for Yibo and Yibo sat down.

Zhan and Yibo were sitting on the back seat.
Yibo was holding his own hands and was nervous.

He kept looking at Zhan and Zhan caught him looking at him.
Zhan just smirked at him and raised his eyebrows.

"Where are we going?" Yibo broke the silence.

"On a date." Zhan said looking deep in Yibos eyes

Yibos eyes widen
"I- I've never agreed!"

"You shouldn't get in cars of people you don't know enough Baby." Zhan grabbed Yibo by his chin.

"Next time don't listen what everyone is saying to you, understood?" Zhan said coldly staring at Yibo with scary eyes.

Slowly Yibo nodded and Zhan then swiped his finger over Yibos lips.

Zhan looked out of the window and saw that they had arrived.

He stepped out of the car and opened Yibos door.

Yibo looked around and saw where he was.
At the hospital where his mom was staying.

"Why?" He asked Zhan who just hold his wrist and walked away.

"Zhan answer me!" Yibo kept hitting Zhans back.

"Sit here." Zhan ordered Yibo to sit on the chair infront of the door where his mom stayed.

"Ah there you are Mr. Wang."
Yibo turned around and saw a doctor.

"Your mother is in a good state to do the surgery now." The doctor said while smiling at him

"B-But I didn't pay yet and-"
Yibo got cut off by the Doctor

"Don't worry somebody already payed for the surgery." Yibos eyed widen and he was speechless.

"N-No way w-who would do this? Who?"

"It was a man named Mr. Xiao Zhan." The doctor said and walked away.

Yibo couldn't move. After a few moments he turned around to Zhan.

"Zhan." Zhan was looking at him

"Why would you?" Yibo said while stuttering.
Yibo started sobbing.

"For you I would do anything."
Zhan then pulled Yibo into a hug.

Yibo was sobbing on Zhans shoulders.

Yibo pulled out.
"Why did you?" Yibo was still speechless.

"How can I say thank you? I have to pay you off."
Yibo almost got on his knees.

"Kiss me." Zhan said unexpectedly

Yibo looked up.

Zhan just laughed but he didn't expect what would happen the next moment.

Yibo pilled Zhan closer and gave him a peck on his Cheek.

Zhans eyes widen and his heart was beating fasted.
Who would have thought that a person who has no emotion also has feelings?

Yibo didn't know what he did. He was a blushing mess now.

"Damn why not on the lips?" Zhan asked pulling Yibo towards him by his waist.

"Damn your waist is so small." Zhan said smelling Yibos neck. Yibo wanted to stop him but he couldn't.
He was enjoying it.

"hmm..maybe next time."

"So you want me to take you on a date?" Zhan again grabbed Yibos waist.

"Maybe." Yibo grinned

"Now let's go home your mom has to rest you will see her soon."

Both then went back into the car.

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