Chapter 9

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“So she just threw a picture frame at you?” Harry gasped.

They were sitting on Harrys couch, munching on Oreos, with reruns Supernatural playing quietly in the background.

“Mhm.” Louis responded.

“Then she just walked away?”

“Yupp. I was surprised, I was expecting way worse.”

“I don’t understand how she could do this shit to anyone. It’s insane.”

“I know it is, but for now there’s nothing I can do. I just have to wait. Now come one, let’s watch supernatural.”

“Dean’s so hot.” Harry sighed.

“True, but so is Castiel.” Louis shot back.

“And Sam. It was so hard to choose who was hotter then Castiel had to walk his sexy ass in and make everything harder.”

“That’s what he sai- Ow!” Louis gasped as Harry smacked the back of his head.

“Get your mind out of the gutter.” He laughed as Louis pouted.

Harry leaned in and kissed Louis’ pout quickly and pulled away to see Louis smiling.  Their little ‘moment’ was cut off by the sound of a scream. They looked at each other and ran out to the front yard where it had come from. The next thing they knew they were pelted with a balloon and Tatum was laughing her ass off.

“What are you doing here? I thought you were at a photo shoot!” Harry shouted.

“I left early.” Tatum smirked.

Louis looked down at his clothes with wide eyes.

“Are those balloons filled with paint?” Louis asked poking at the blue color covering his shirt.

“Oh yes. Paint war!” Tatum shouted grabbing some balloons from the kiddie pool filled with them and ran.

Louis and Harry looked at each other then shot towards the balloons, grabbing them and running.

Let the games begin.


The three collapsed on the ground, breathing heavily. They had just run out of balloons and were absolutely exhausted.

“That was so fun.” Tatum stated.

“That was fucking amazing.” Louis agreed with a smile.

They laid on the ground for a while, the sun already risen flooding light everywhere.

“You guys look awesome!” Tatum laughed as they all stood up, “I gotta take a picture.”

She dug her phone out of her pocket and aimed it at the pair of boys. Louis stuck his tongue out as Harry wrapped his arm around the older boy’s waist and planted a kiss on his cheek. Louis blushed crimson and Tatum started posting the picture on twitter,

Paint war!! Xx *Insert picture link here*’

“I should probably get home before my mum notices I’m not gone and gets all pissy again.” Louis sighed.

“Yeah, probably. I’ll see you later.” Harry said pulling Louis in for a kiss.

“See you Tatum. Bye Harry.” Louis smiled before turning and running back to his house.

He climbed the tree and flung himself back into his room and grabbed a change of clothes before going into the bathroom and jumping in the shower.

A/N: BOOM! Done. Are there any Supernatural fans that read this? I hope so, that show is fucking perfection. I’m watching it right now. c: I wrote this very quickly so sorry if it’s short and/or sucks. So, feedback is great. I love it. Goodbye my little muffins! c:



Drink apple juice with Elmo<3


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