Chapter 7

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You'd think that have bits of metal pressed against your lips would make a kiss uncomfortable but Louis was finding it was making it better.

They stayed still for awhile, getting used to the feel. Harry was the first to move, sliding his lips gently against Louis'. He moved his hands up to wrap them lightly around Harry's inked neck. When they pulled away Louis immediately shot up from his spot with wide eyes,

"I-I gotta g-go." He stuttered, tripping over a leather jacket that was laying in abandoned on the floor in his rush to get out of the room.

The last thing he was as he ran out was the sad look that washed over Harry,s beautiful face.


Louis was sitting on his bed, legs drawn up to his chest and head buried into his arms. Tears streamed freely down his tanned cheeks as he desperately tried to hold back his sobs.

He doesn't know why he ran, he had gotten scared. He had gotten scared of falling for the curly-haired punk lad. He was a wimp and ran from his fears instead of facing them.

Reaching over to his bedside table, he yanked open the drawer and felt around inside. His hand found the familiar shape of the book he keeps in there and with a slight smile he slid it out.

Sliding the drawer closed, he ran his hand over top of the book before flipping open the front cover to reveal the hollowed out pages. He grabbed the silver razor out and twirled it around in his fingers, watching as the light glistened off the shiny surface.

He pressed the cool metal to his wrist and, with one quick flick of the rest, there was a deep gash. He quickly grabbed a pillow and bit onto it to help suppress his yelp of pain. He took a deep breath and looked down, watching the crimson red dance downward before dripping down onto his grey sweatpants. He smiled wider bringing the blade back down to his wrist. He did it again, making cut after cut.

His vision became blurry as he fell backwards into a laying position. The razor fell out of his hand and onto the carpeted floor as everything went black.


The light was blinding as Louis' eyes fluttered open. He looked at his arm to find it wrapped tightly in a bandage. Wires were sticking out here and there, all connecting to fancy machines. The only thing he heard was the faint beeping of the heart monitor as he looked down at the terrible gown they had dressed him in. He looked and came face to face with a sweet looking doctor and his glaring mother.

'Oh shit, she's pissed.' He thought as he stared at the pair at the end of his bed.

"Louis you're up! How are you feeling?" The doctor suddenly said.

"Tired." He muttered back, letting his eyelids flutter closed for a short period of time.

"Yes, that is to expected. You're very lucky your mum found you, you had lost a lot of blood, it was very close we almost lost you." The doctor stated, "You have 20 stitches in your left arm. You're very lucky to be alive. You will be able to leave tomorrow morning. Now, I'll be going, give you guys some privacy."

Once the door clicked shut his mother snapped, "Louis William Tomlinson! I cannot believe you! You are such an embarrassment to this family! I have to get back to the girls who I had to leave alone because of your foolishness. Ill deal with you when you get home." She hissed, slamming the door when she exited.

Louis was terrified as thoughts of what she had planned ran through his mind. Though his thoughts where cut short when the door opened once again and Tatum walked in with Harry in tow.

"Louis! Thank god you're okay!" She shouted, pulling the fragile boy into a hug, "You scared us, we thought we had lost you."

"I'm sorry guys, I didn't mean to worry you. How did you get here without my mum noticing you?" He whispered, to weak and tired to speak fully.

"She stormed out of the hospital too pissed to notice us so we just walked in." Tatum answered. Louis just nodded, feeling to weak to much else.

"You're an idiot, you know that?" Harry spoke for the first, "I'm so glad you're okay but you're still an idiot."

A tear rolled down the punk boys cheek as he pulled Lou into a hug,  

"Please never do that again." He whimpered into his shoulder.

"I'll be in the hall." Tatum said walking towards the door, "I really am glad you're okay Louis." She said before slipping out of the room.

"How did you know I was here?" Louis asked while Harry sat on the edge of the bed, absentmindedly tracing one of the many tattoos decorating his arm.

"They called Niall an he called me but that's not what's important right now." He said looking up at Louis, his eyeliner slightly smudged from him trying to wipe away the tears, "Why'd you do it?"

"Which part?"

Harry let out a humourless laugh before responding, "Both."

"I'm so sorry Harry. I really, truly, am. I know it doesn't make much if a difference but its true. Words can't even express how sorry I am." Louis whimper, refusing to make eye contact and the gets streamed down his cheeks, "I know I shouldn't have ran, I got scared. I didn't want to believe that I was falling for you. I was a wimp and I ran away instead staying and trying figure everything out. I knew it was a mistake when I got home but it was too late to go back. I thought you would hate me, I knew I would if I were you. The mere thought of you hating me hurt so bad and I couldn't take it, so I did the only thing thing I knew, I turned the emotional pain into physical. I guess I did worse than planned. I'm so fuckin so-"

His sentence was cut off as Harry's lips crashed down into his own. He immediately melted into the kiss, burying his fingers into his unruly curls. One they pulled away Harry lent his forehead against Louis'.

"I could never hate you. No matter how I tried I could never bring myself to hate you. Yeah, I was disappointed that you ran but I got over it. And I really wish you would stop this, when you hurt yourself it hurts me."

"Okay, I'll try to stop, for you." Louis said, pulling Harry's lips back onto his own.

A/N Yay another chapter done! :D

So I have a little story to share with you all, keep in mind I go to a school full if pot heads.

This girl made chips with pot in them and gave them to this guy. Needless to say he was hallucinating and high off his ass.

My friends and I were at another friends locker when the guy came out of the room across from us. Someone called his name and he shouted,

'What Jacob? What? Jacob what?' Then proceeded to turn around and run face-first into a wall, almost knocking him in his ass, then tripped and started flipping shit about it.

The guy was a teacher





Funniest. Stuff. Ever. My school is so fucked up....

Anywho, I was thinking about starting another Larry story (I'd still keep this one.) would you guys like that? Is it a good idea? Feedback is great! :D

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Never get a teacher high xD


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