Chapter 8

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“Come on Louis, hurry up.” Harry sighed for the fifth time looking back at the older boy behind him.

“But I don’t wanna go Harry.” Louis groaned throwing his head in protest.

Lou had just been checked out of the hospital and was dreading going home. Harry had offered him a ride and was now trying to coax the lad out of the hospital waiting room.

“You can’t stay at the hospital forever.”  He pointed out.

“I could if I wanted to.” Louis quickly shot back.

“No you couldn’t. Now, come on we have to go.”

Harry grabbed Louis un-injured arm and dragged him out to the parking lot, ignoring all his whines of protest. They stopped in front of a very expensive looking motorbike. Louis eyes widened as Harry pushed a helmet lightly into his chest.

“Put it on.” He ordered.

“Oh no no no no no no no.” Louis shook his head, shoving the helmet back at Harry, “I am not getting on that thing.”

“Louis, it’s fine just put the helmet on.” Harry protested pushing it back towards Louis.

“But I’ll die!”

“No you won’t, I won’t let you.”

“I’d rather walk.”

“You live on the other side of town.”

“But I have less of a chance of dying.”

“Lou, you’ll be alright. This is the only transportation we have because Tatum took the car to go to some shoot out of town.”

“Damn you Tatum.” Louis swore under his breath. He grabbed the helmet and glared at Harry as he slid it over his head.

“Thank you.” The younger lad smiled climbing onto the bike.

“Aren’t you going to wear one?”

“Nah, I never do.” Harry shrugged.

Louis hesitantly climbed on and wrapped his arms tightly around the led in front of him, burying his face into his back the best he could with the helmet on. The engine roared to life as they shot forward out of the lot. Lou let out a yelp of surprise and gripped onto Harry even tighter. He let out a laugh as he drove and he heard Louis let out a small giggle. After a few minutes Louis started getting used to everything, loosening his arms and leaning away from Harry a little.

“See, it’s not that bad.” Harry shouted.

“Okay, so maybe this is a little fun.” He shouted back making Harry laugh.

Louis hooked his chin over Harry’s shoulder and gave his torso a light squeeze.  Once they pulled up to the corner of Louis’ block, he slid off the back of the bike with a slight smile.

“Thanks for the ride.” He said handing the helmet back to Harry.

“It’s no problem.” Harry said biting his lip, “I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?”

“Yeah.” Louis smiled.

Harry reached up and grabbed Louis neck bringing their lips together.

“I don’t think I’m ever gonna get used to that.” Louis giggled resting his forehead against Harry’s. Harry chuckled as they pulled away.

“See ya.” He said before turning the bike around and offering Louis one more smile and driving away.

Louis stayed in that spot for a few minutes, dreading what was about to come when he gets to his house. Slowly, he turned and started the short walk. His hands were shaking and he pushed the front door open and he was immediately attacked by the twins.

“Louis! You’re back!” Daisy shouted clutching to one leg while Phoebe grabbed the other.

“Hello girls.” He smiled kneeling down.

“We missed you!” Phoebe said.

“Awe, I wasn’t gone for that long darling.” He cooed as Lottie and Fizzy walked in followed by their mum.

“Darlings, why don’t you go play in your room. Louis will be up soon.” Jay smiled, shooing the four girls out, “come with me.” She directed towards Louis, gesturing for him to follow her into the living room.

“I can’t believe you.” She spat, “You’re lucky I let you stay here. You need to straighten up young man.”

Louis kept his head down, not muttering a word.

“You will look at me when I talk to you!” She hissed.


Lou stumbled back, his hand flying up to touch his now burning cheek.

“If you do anything like this ever again then I wish you luck finding a new home because you won’t be my son anymore.” She snapped.

He watched as her hand searched around for something, finally landing on a picture frame on the stand. She clutched it before throwing it at the defenseless boy then stalked out of the room. The glass shattered on his chest, shards going everywhere. The frame fell to the floor, broken, and with the picture still inside. Louis’ legs gave out and he collapsed on the floor, hissing as shards of glass dug into his hands and knees. He spent the next twenty minutes ripping shards of glass from his flesh, tears streaming down his face the entire time. Once glass free and locked away in his room, he pulled out his phone and saw a new text from Harry.

From: Hazza(:

How’d everything go? Xx

To: Hazza(:

Eh I got a few new cuts and a red cheek but she went surprisingly easy on me. xx

From: Hazza(:

Are you okay?xx

To: Hazza(:

Yeah nothing I cant handle. Xx

From: Hazza(:

You should come to my house, like right now!

To: Hazza(:

But it’s-

Louis stopped in the middle of his text to glance at the clock. 2:58 AM, wow time has gone fast

2:58 a.m.

From: Hazza(:

But I just found Tatum’s secret stash of Oreo’s!!

To: Hazza(:

You and Oreos…. So tempting…. I’ll be there in 5. Xx

From: Hazza(:

Backdoor’s open :) xx

Louis shoved his phone into his pocket and walked over to the window.

‘I can’t believe I’m doing this.’ He thought as he threw it open and climbed out onto the tree right outside.

Once he was safely on the ground he began running in the direction of Harry’s house.

A/N: Whoop whoop! I’m craving Oreos after writing that….. So my cousin told me that she was going to kill me gently so I won’t even know it hit me…. Still trying to figure out how that works…. Well, I always love feedback. Comments are awesome. :) I love you all my little muffins!! :)



Steal some Oreos from a tree for me<3


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