Chapter 23

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A/N: Okay, so this is the last chapter. This is the real ending to the story, the sad one, if you want the happy one then I’d just skip on over this one and head on over to the next. :)

Harry read the letter over and over, running the words through his head as he rushed to the hospital.

Dear Hazza,

You did it babe! I’m so proud of you! Now, just keep doing that everyday. You’ve proven to me that you can handle it. My surgery isn’t next week, it was today. I didn’t want to worry you so I lied. I’m sorry; I hope you can forgive me. If you’re reading this letter then I didn’t make it through the surgery. Tell Alex, the girl who delivered you this note, thank you for me, she was a great friend. I’m scared Harry, I was just prepped for surgery. I have no hair, how crazy is that? It would’ve been a great laugh, imagine going wig shopping. Tell Liam and Niall thank you for being such great friends to me, who knows where I would be without them. Tell Tatum I’m going to miss her and her crazy ways and tell Zayn to take good care of her or I will come back as a ghost and haunt his ass. Haha, that’d be fun. And Harry, thank you, for everything. Without you I would probably be dead a long time ago, you helped me with more than I thought possible. You made me happy again when I thought that I would never be again. I love you so much, please don’t forget that. Try not to do anything stupid, please, I don’t want that for you. Try to get through this, I know you can. I have faith in you. I love you Haz.

Louis xx

Harry knew he was driving way over the limit but he honestly didn’t give a shit.

He flew into the parking lot of the hospital, jumping out of his car and rushing into the building.

“I’m looking for Louis Tomlinson.” He panted when he reached the front desk.

The girl looked surprised for a moment but quickly composed herself and started typing on her computer, “I’m very sorry to inform you sir, but Mr. Tomlinson didn’t make it through surgery.”

Harry pulled at his hair, his eyes pressed together tightly. He wanted to scream, he wanted to die. He walked out of the hospital, going to the side of the building where no one was, before letting it out. He screamed, he punch the wall, he punched the wall, he let it all out before collapsing, resting his forehead against the wall and sobbing, pounding his fist softly on the brick.

“Harry?” He heard a voice say before he felt a hand placed lightly on his back.

He looked up to see the girl from before, Alex, kneeling next to him. He pushed off the wall, wrapping his arms around her small frame. She didn’t hesitate before wrapping her arms around the punk boy, “I’m so sorry.” She mumbled into his hair.


“Heaven's waiting for you Just close your eyes and say goodbye Hearing your pulse go on and on and on
I live my life in misery I'd sacrifice this world to hold you No breathe left inside of me Shattered glass keeps falling” Harry sang, the tall grass swaying in the breeze around him, Louis’ guitar set in his lap.
”Say, say goodnight Just sleep tight Say goodnight
Flowers laid out for you So many colors leave me blind Seeing your face reflect from our baby's eyes
I live my life in misery I'd sacrifice this world to hold you No breathe left inside of me Shattered glass keeps falling” His voice cracked as tears streamed slowly down his cheeks, no doubt messing up his makeup, but he didn’t care, he was alone.
”Say, say goodnight Just sleep tight

Say goodnight
So here I am You're inside of me So here I am Our world is over
So here I am You're inside of me So here I am Our world is over
Here I am with you I'm there till the end Memories are calling So farewell, my friend Farewell, my friend
Here I am with you I'm there till the end Memories are calling So farewell, my friend Farewell, my friend.”

He set the guitar to the side and buried his face into his hands, chocking back a sob.  He looked up, reaching a shaky hand out to trace the letters carved into the stone, ‘Louis William Tomlinson’

Harry blinked back his tears as he looked at his boyfriend’s grave, attempting to speak, clearing his throat, then trying again, “God, I miss you.” He spoke, “I fucking miss you so goddamn much. It isn’t fair, why did you leave me? I love you Louis. Everyone’s been trying to get me through this; it’s not working though. I know they’re trying, I know they want what’s best for me, but what if being with you is what’s best for me? I know you told me not to do anything stupid, but it’s me we’re talking about here, do you really think I was just going to sit back and deal? Did you think I would just live without you? Of course I wouldn’t.”

He reached into his pocket, pulling out a full bottle of prescription pills. He looked from the bottle to the grave and smiled through his tears. “Please don’t be mad at me, I need you. I can’t do this anymore. It’s been a month and it was torture, I’m coming for you boo. We’ll be together again. I love you.” He cried, kissing his hand and then pressing it against the cool headstone.

He opened the bottle, throwing the top to the side, and poured the pills onto his hand. He placed a pill into his mouth, swallowing it in one go. He kept dong this over and over until the bottle was empty, tossing it away from him. He shrugged off his jumper, Louis’ jumper actually, and balled it up. He placed it at the bottom of the headstone and laid his head on it, grabbing the guitar and clutching it to his body.

“I love you Louis, we’ll be together again soon.” He smiled, closing his eyes and letting the blackness overtake him.


A/N: Well, that’s it. That’s the end. I can’t believe it’s over; I had such an amazing time writing this story. Thank you to everyone who stuck with Louis and Harry from beginning to end through their crazy lives. I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Now, it’s time for that little green check to go up. :,) I’m thinking about maybe doing a question and answer with the cast, if I get enough questions I will go with that and do it. ^.^ Goodbye my little muffins! Love you all! If you liked feel free to check out my other stories. ^_^



Ride an elephant through town<3


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