Beneath the surface.

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As days turned into a week, Halima found herself sinking deeper into a sea of emotions. The weight of the revelation about the expectations placed upon her began to take a toll on her spirit. She felt a heaviness in her heart that seemed to grow with each passing day.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Halima sought refuge in the comforting presence of her sister, Ibtisam. They had always shared a special bond, and she knew she could confide in her.

Halima got ready in a stunning atampa A-line gown, adorned with intricate patterns and vibrant colors that beautifully complemented her complexion. The gown flowed gracefully, accentuating her figure. Completing the look, she wore a delicate veil that added an air of elegance and mystique. She carried a stylish handbag that matched her outfit perfectly. It was a small clutch, perhaps adorned with embellishments. The handbag added a touch of glamour and served as a practical accessory for carrying her essentials. She stepped into her sleek black C-Class '24 Benz and left for Ibtisam's house.

"Hai in the house!" She yelled a bit, making her presence known to the people in the house.

"The crazy Hali that doesn't come in with a Salaam, you mean?" Her sister corrected, descending the stairs. Halima slumped on the two-seater couch, and her sister did the same, taking a seat close to her.

"Oh please, Ya Ibti, I don't even have the strength for all of this right now."

"Okay, fine, get yourself something from the dining. I made potato and rice casserole and a tropical paradise mocktail, your favorite."

"Ulala, as if I knew you were making that. I didn't have lunch at home, be right back." Halima salivated, keeping her bag on the couch and sashaying to the dining to get some of her sister's delicious meal.

When Ibtisam was sure her sister was almost done with her food, she took it as an opportunity to talk to her.

"Run me down on it already, Ukhti. I hope you're doing okay. I'm here for you, you know that. How are you coping with the news?"

"Ever since we talked about the whole thing with Daada, I've been feeling this overwhelming pressure. It's like I have to live up to these high expectations, and it's seriously starting to weigh me down, Ya Ibti. I don't know what to do." She sighed, pouring her heart out to her sister, omitting the part where she conversed with Arshad.

Ibtisam listened attentively, her kind eyes filled with empathy. She understood the weight of the burden her sister carried and she knew the importance of offering support in times of darkness. Gently, Ibtisam took Hali's now trembling hands in hers.

"I understand tough it can be. It's normal to feel overwhelmed when faced with such expectations. It's important to remember that in Islam, marriage is a sacred bond that should be based on mutual love, respect, and compatibility. While arranged marriages are a part of our cultural tradition, it is crucial to ensure that your feelings and consent are also taken into consideration. But since reverse is the case, then we'll just have to deal with it.

Islam encourages open communication and consent between both parties involved. It is your right to express your thoughts and concerns. But here's the thing, Hali; since his parents had a talk with ours and they seem to be happy with it, then you should really think about it, parents usually have your best interests at heart. They want to see you happy and settled with someone who will love and support you. And since they choose Arshad, then I'm sure they feel he's the best person for you.

However, it's important to remember that you have a say in this too. Daada and Ammiey may have suggestions, but ultimately, the decision is yours.

Take the time to communicate openly with them about your preferences, values, and what you're looking for in a partner. Let them know that you appreciate their input, but you also want to have a say in this important decision.

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