Tempest under a roof.

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Halima woke up very early, the first rays of dawn barely illuminating the room. Arshad was not in bed when she woke up. Probably taking a shower or getting dressed, she thought.

She made her way to her room to get ready for the day. Immediately after the shower, she got dressed in a floor-length dress with a charming lavender base color adorned with a delicate floral pattern and short puffed sleeves with a square neckline. The bodice had a corset-style tie at the front then descended the stairs, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee greeted her.

"Arshad?" She called but there was no answer. Who would it be? She thought. She walked further into the kitchen, only to be welcomed by the sight of her cousin already in the kitchen, dressed impeccably and humming a tune.

Halima's mood soured immediately. Nadine looked up, her face lighting up with a smile that seemed anything but genuine.

"Good morning, Mrs. A!" She chirped. "I hope you don't mind, I helped myself to some coffee. I thought I'd make breakfast for everyone too."

Halima forced a smile. "Good morning, Nadine. That's so...considerate of you." She walked over to the counter and poured herself a cup of milk. "But I usually make breakfast and I don't like anyone in my kitchen, I'll appreciate it if you step out and give me space to make something quick before HE wakes up."

Nadine waved her off, noticing the hint of sarcasm in Halima's voice.

"Oh, relax. You deserve a break. Besides, Balaraben; the Arab won't mind me making breakfast, will he?" She giggled, and Halima's grip tightened on her mug.

What did she just call her husband? No, it was not offensive, the only thing she took offense at was the fact that she was using a nickname to refer to her husband.

"I'm sure he will. Now give me some space, for the very last time Nadine." Halima said tersely.

"Is this how you treat your guests? Mhm?" Halima kept mute. Nadine was not deserving of her reply, so she thought.

As if on cue, Arshad walked into the kitchen in sharp black trousers and a crisp white shirt, his hair tousled from sleep, giving him an effortlessly disheveled look. He glanced between the two women, his sharp eyes quickly picking up on the tension.

"Good morning darling." he greeted his wife, his voice warm. Ignorant of Nadine's presence.

Halima walked to his side, "How did you sleep?"

"Good morning, Arshad," Nadine purred, stepping a bit closer to the couple. "I'm making breakfast. I hope you'll like it."

Arshad's eyes flickered to his wife, who was glaring daggers at her cousin. "That is very kind of you," he said carefully. "But Halima here usually takes care of breakfast. She's very particular about it. And I do not eat anything not prepared by her." He said, turning to look at his now smiling wife. She nodded, in agreement with what he just said.

Nadine pouted, her eyes widening in mock disappointment. "Oh, I didn't mean to step on any toes. I just thought I'd help but it's fine since you both seem to not know how to treat your guest." Then walked out of the kitchen.

Halima set her mug down with a bit more force than necessary. Arshad started making his way to his wife when she stopped him. "It's fine. I'll make something quick, go up and get ready, you have work today."

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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