Chapter One - From Small Acorns

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Lyssana's Tale

Lyssana dismounted her bay gelding and frowned at her father who escorted her.

'Papa, is this really what I must do?'

she asked unhappily. Though only thirteen, Lyssana had very definite ideas as to what she wanted to do with her life - and it did not include studying Magyk at the Academy.

'Love, you know how it goes,' her father replied. 'Once the Magi scent a gift, there is nothing to do but follow their rule! Remember, your gift may fade with is only...custom...'

Lyssana scowled. She didn't feel any different from the way she had before her first moon blood - the time when gifts usually first appeared. As far as she was concerned, the Magi had made a mistake (not that she would ever dare say so) and the sooner they realised it, the better for everyone concerned.

Her sighed as he looked at his stubborn black haired daughter. She was far too much like him to relish bending to the rules, but as he had learnt to his cost, better to bend sometimes, than to break!

He pushed her gently forward towards the throng of young girls congregated in the courtyard. 'Go with the Gods my love. We will miss you!'

Stubbornly blinking back tears, Lyssana kissed her father's cheek, and head held high, marched off towards the group of girls without a glance behind her.

In her desperation to show that she wasn't afraid, or sad, she strutted ahead, nearly trampling a small pretty blonde girl, and cannoning off a haughty redhead.

When she turned her head at last, it was to see her father leaving through the Academy gates, his head bowed as though the weight of the world was on his shoulders.

She straightened her shoulders again and gritted her teeth. No one was going to intimidate Lyssana L'lereece, and no one was going to make her stay here any longer than she strictly had to!

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