chapter one

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I woke up in the middle of the night breathing heavy and covered in cold sweat. „That stupid nightmare." I said to myself my heart racing feeling like its going to pop out of my chest any second. I checked the time, 2:13am. Shit. I got up to get myself a glass of water and some sleeping pills i got descriped for my nightmares and not being able to sleep because of them.

As i walked to the kitchen a heard a quiet squeek on the floor in the living room right next to the kitchen. I froze for a bit and started listening carefully as the squeeks got closer and closer. Fear poured all over my body and my hands started shaking. A few seconds later my cat Felix walked from around the corner with those tiny quiet squeeks and lied down in his little bed. I exhaled sharply and turned around to get myself the things that i came there for and went to my room again.

When i got there, i sat on my bed and stared blankly on the wall in front of me when i saw their faces again. No, no, no, no, not again! I started tearing up and a few seconds later i was sobbing and burring my face into the pillow. Its been five years since my dad, my mom, my sister and both of my brothers were murdered in front of my eyes. I still hear those sreams and their cry's for help, begging for it to stop. I was the youngest one and my mom hid me in her closer just before he managed to get in and started shooting everywhere and everyone. My older brother James ended up in the worst condition of all of them, just because he tried to save my sister. He got shot 12 times in total and died instantlly.

At this point it was 4:07am. I've been crying for almost two hours now.
„I need to get my shit together" i whisperd to myself. I have to cuz' i have to leave for work at 6am. I got up and went to the bathroom to sort myself up a little bit. I brushed my hair and teeth and got in the shower to wash my hair.

As i got out of the shower, I realized that i forgot my towel in the living room. Since i live alone i just tiptoed there naked. As i got to the living room, i felt a wierd sensetion like someone was watching me. I got goosebumps and quickly wrapped myself in the towel and ran to my room.

Well that was wierd... I checked the clock, 5:13am, i still have some time left so i decided to make myself a good breakfast. I grabbed a pan from the top cabinet, poured some oil inside and cracked three eggs on it. When it was done i got some bread and just ate it together.

It was now 5:47am. I have to leave. I quickly went to my room. Put some clothes on and walked to my front door where i put my shoes on and left for work.

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