Cabin Inspector (Will x Reader)

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*PSSSSST, your a daughter of Zeus so you have a cabin to yourself (most the time and jasons not here sooo...)

Yay! Cleaning day!


Sure, I was the daughter of Zeus, and Jason only came once a month, but I wasn't the tidiest person in camp.

I had clothes scattered around the floor and empty dishes from stolen snacks and candy wrappers.

Lots and lots of candy wrappers.

And of course the one and only Will Solace was coming around for cabin inspection in half an hour and, me being cabin 1, my cabin was first.

Just great.

And even worse when he asks for an excuse I always trip over my words as my sentences come out half gibberish half English. I maybe sorta, eh I don't know...


*clears throat* Excuse me. The worst part is I can't tell him because he's my best friend and if I tell him and he doesn't feel the same way then it'll ruin our friend ship.

Well, anyways, I better start cleaning.

I got my iPod and headphones and started to play music and Warriors by Imagine Dragons played.

As a child, you would wait

And watch from far away.

But you always knew that you'd be the one

To work while they all play.

At this point I was singing along while cleaning because I couldn't help it

And you, you lay, awake at night and scheme

Of all the things that you would change

But it was just a dream!

Here we are, don't turn away now

We are the warriors that built this town!

Here we are, don't turn away now

We are the warriors that built this town!

From Dust.

I was singing really loudly but I didnt care since the walls of the cabin were practically sound-proof unless there was a window and/or the door was open, but I checked and neither was.

The time will come, when you'll have to rise

Above the best, and prove yourself

Your spirit never dies!

Farewell, I've gone, to take my throne above,

Don't weep for me

Cause this will be the labor of my love

Here we are, don't turn away now

We are the warriors that built this town!

Here we are, don't turn away now

We are the warriors that built this town!

By now I was yelling the lyrics but I didn't care. Sound-proof walls, remember?

From Dust.

I air guitared the guitar solo for this part.

Here we are, don't turn away now

We are the warriors that built this town!

Here we are, don't turn away now

We are the warriors that built this town.

From Dust.

The song ended and I had finished cleaning when I heard a male voice behind me say,

"Wow, Y/n. I didn't know you even sang, let alone better than Apollo himself"

Instantly, feeling panic that someone had hear me sing, I grabbed my sword, whipped around, and while practically growling, stuck my sword so that the tip was touching, but not hurting, the poor, scared boy that was daring enough to intrude.

Then I realized who it was.

"Gods, y/n, it was a compliment, I don't think it's nice to kill people that give you compliments" Will said sarcastically and dramatically put his hand that didn't have a clip-board in it as I withdrew my sword and turning crimson after realizing he said I sang better than Apollo.

I managed to say "Um, uh, sorry" as he giggled.

Get yourself together woman! I thought to myself as I looked at the clock and it read 2:45.

He wasn't supposed to come around for another 15 minnutes!

Either ways I was done cleaning but...

"Yeah, I know I'm early but I just decided to come hang with you" he said as if reading my thoughts, but he probably just saw me looking at the clock.

"Thanks. It get pretty lonely here. And frankly the Zeus statue scares me" I said, whispering the last part.

He chuckled and said "Hey, why don't we play 20 Questions?"

"Sure" I replied.

"Okay, I'll go first" Will declared

"What's your favorite song?" he asked

"(Insert song here)" I replied back then asked "Whats yours?"

"Welcome to the Black Parade" he replied with too much causality.

"Really?" I asked him with a questioning look.

"Surprising, right? But you can't blame me, it's a good song" he said

"Okay, question 2..."

*Time skip to the last question*

I had just finished my 20 questions, last one being "What's your favorite video game?" and his answer being "Minecraft".

"So my last question, hmm..." he said thinking of a question but really it looked like he was stalling or something.

"Who is your crush?" he asked wiggling his eyebrows.



I felt heat rise to my face as I took sudden interest in my shoes and said "Umm, pass?"

"C'mon, Y/n, you have to answer, and I promise I won't tell them" he said with pleading eyes.

I was still looking at the floor but I decided it was now or never.

"Okay, fine. My crush is-"

Suddenly I was cut off by a beeping noise.

Will looked at his watch and frowned.

"Well looks like you'll have to tell me later because I need to get started with cabin inspection. Meet me at mt cabin after the campfire. And by the way, you've got a 5/5. Nice job"

With that he left my cabin.

I sat in my bed, thinking of every possible way I could get out of meeting Will there, but each reason led back to him seeing me.

I was screwed, but hey, you live, you learn.

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