"Kitten" (Frank x Reader)

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Credits to @Reese1419 for giving me the epic storyline! Tank chu child!

*Pretend Hazel just doesn't exist K?*

I couldn't sleep so I did what always got me to sleep.

I Got up out of my bed, walked out of my little room, and walked onto the deck of the Argo II.

I started to think about all the good memories that my crush, Frank and I shared over the few months on this ship.


I snapped into a battle stance before I could process the sound, prepared to battle a hideous monster, only to be faced by a-

A kitten?

It was a little kitten with different shades of grey in a stripe pattern, and it had beautiful brown eyes that for some reason reminded me of Franks.

It looked a little cold in the night wind so I let it sniff me, then scooped the little kitten up in my arms.

"What's your name?" I cooed to it using a "baby voice".

I looked at its neck and it didn't have a collar or any sign of identification.

"Hmm, then I'll name you!" I exclaimed, still using my baby voice.

My mind was racing for possible names for the little feline.

How about Jade! Wait, it's a boy. Hmmm, Alex? No. Mr. Cuddles! He does look really cuddly.

"Do you like the name Mr. Cuddles?" I asked him.

In response he meowed and licked my cheek.

I wiped it away and said "Well I guess you do" and chuckled as he meowed again.

I walked to my room with Mr. Cuddles still in my arms, and thinking about when to tell the crew about him. Maybe after breakfast.

I slid in bed and put Mr. Cuddles next to me and layed down. There was still some space between the cat and I, but he obviously didn't like it.

Mr. Cuddles moved right next to me and nuzzled my arm and I didn't care. I actually kind of liked it.

Slowly I drifted to sleep, cuddling with Mr. Cuddles.

*Spongebob narrator voice* Eight hours later...

I woke up but didn't see Mr. Cuddles.

He's probably on the other side of me, I thought, not wanting to move.

Then I realized something.

There was a pair of arms wrapped around my waist.

I also realized something else.

I was nuzzled into someones chest.

I looked up to see who it was.

I, Y/n L/n, had been cuddling with Frank. My crush.

I felt an explosion of heat spread across my face as Frank began to stir, and it looked like he would wake up any moment, so I did the only thing I could do.

I pretended to be sleeping.

I secretly had my eyes cracked open the slightest bit, but not enough to be noticeable.

He fluttered his eyes open and when he saw he was still holding on to me, he just brought me closer to his chest, if that was even possible.

So Frank had just transformed into a kitten, knowing I'd go on the deck that night, just so he could cuddle with me-

"Y/n, I know you're awake" he said suddenly.

I opened my eyes fully now, not able to hide the blush crawling on my face.

He chuckled as I sat up groggily and rubbed my eyes, looking at the time to see it was 12:34.

We didn't really have a time to get up on the ship, so I wasn't worried about "being late".

Then my brain started working and I fully realized that Frank Zhang was in my bed.

"Morning" he said sitting up next to me and ruffling my hair.

I gave him a look that was somewhere between "I'm confused, why are you here" and "I LOVE STAY WITH ME FOREVER".

"May I ask why you pretended to be a cat so you could sleep with me?" I asked, though I realized it sounded really wrong.

He chuckled and looked down shyly and said "Well, I kind of r-really like y-you".

"I r-really like you t-too" I stuttered out.

He looked into my eyes and I saw them fill up with joy and suddenly he was leaning towards me. I decided to do the same and as my eyes closed, I felt his warm, soft lips on mine.

I wrapped one hand around his neck and let my other hand play with his messy hair as his arms snaked around my waist, and our lips seemed to move in sync.


We instantly pulled away to look at the door and see my half brother Leo Valdez smirking in the doorway.

"Coach Hedge wants everyone on deck in five for a meeting" Leo said with such fake casualness I wanted to slap the smirk off his face.

I love my brother, but he can be a pain.

He walked out of the doorway, out towards the hallway to the deck and he seemed to mutter "he finally went for her" as he walked and chuckled.

I looked back towards Frank.

"Y/n, would you be my girlfriend?"

Today was a great day.


A/n: Heelo Childreen! So sorry for not updating but megmer has been procrastinationous! AND REESIE I PROMISE I HAVE AN OCTY ONE COMING HUN JUST CHILL OKAY ITS JUST GONNA TAKE A WHILE.

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