Truth or Dare... (Nico x Reader)

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(You're a child of Poseidon)

*Your POV*

"PERCY JACKSON YOU BETTER GET UP RIGHT NOW OR WE'LL BE LATE AND CHIRON WILL GIVE US KITCHEN DUTY ON A FREAKING FREE DAY!" I screamed at my half brother Percy, who was a stubborn mule that wouldn't get out of bed.

I had been yelling at him for an hour, but finally that got his attention and he shot out of bed to get ready for the day.

I, being the more responsible child of Poseidon (but frankly the younger), had already gotten ready an hour prior to when the conch horn blows, and with 5 minutes too spare.

Today was the weekly free day where campers were allowed to just roam around and relax and do whatever they want as long as they stay within borders.

And I did not want to be stuck with kitchen duty today.

Luckily, just as the conch horn blew, Percy came bustling out of the bathroom looking neat and clean.

*Time skip after breakfast and in cabin*

"Hey Y/n"

"Yea Perce?"

"Jason invited the crew to his cabin to play games, wanna come with me?"

I hesitated knowing how hardcore the "crews" games could get, but then agreed to come along.

*To the Zeus cabin*

We walked to to see the seven and Nico playing spin the bottle when the bottle landed on Annabeth and Jason.

"Oh look they're here, looks like we have to play a new game!" Annabeth exclaimed.

Percy and I sat down in the little circle that went (From the right of me) Me, Percy, Annabeth, Leo, Piper, Jason, Frank, Hazel, Nico, then me again.

I was glad to be sitting next to Nico because he was my secret crush that only Leo knew about.

I really hope we don't play-

My thoughts were cut off by Piper saying we should play truth or dare.

Wonderful. Just wonderful (Just a bit or sarcasm)

Everyone agreed and we started to play.

"Percy, truth or dare?" Piper asked


A while later, Percy was ducked tape back to back with Jason, Hazel was covered head-to-toe in blue glitter, Frank was in a tutu, Half of Annabeths hair was black, Piper was wearing Jasons glasses, Franks socks, and Percys shoes, and Leo had disturbing things written on his face in sharpie

That left Nico and I undared and untrhuthed.

And it was Leos turn to give a truth or a dare.

Gods, please have mercy on me I thought as Leo asked me truth or dare with an evil lopsided grin.

"Dare"I said with much hesitation

"I dare you to do twelve minutes in heaven with..."

"wait isn't it seven?" I cut in before he could say who

"Not in my book" he said evily

"Anyways, twelve minutes in heaven with Nico!"

Percy looked about ready to throttle Leo, I was trying to shrink back, and Nico tried to show no emotion but still had a visible pink tint to his face.

Before anyone could say or do anything, I found myself being shoved in a closet with Nico by Piper and Leo.

"Um, er, hi" I said looking at the floor

Smooth, y/n, smooth I thought to myself

Suddenly he said "Posso baciarti?" in a language I didn't understand

Italian maybe, but whatever it was, it was HOT

But the way he said it sounded like a question so I gave him a funny look and said "sure?" Making sure I made it sound more like a question.

He looked at me surprised and asked "You don't know what that means, do you?"

"Nope" I replied

"But you're sure you say yes?" he asked again not bothering to hide his shock

"Sure I gue- mphf"

I was cut off by a pair of cold, soft lips crashing onto mine.

For a moment I was in shock because it's not everyday (or any day for that matter) you get kissed by your crush, but once my brain processed what was happening, I kissed back.

Suddenly he pulled away and said "Y/n I-I'm so sorry, I-I don't know w-what go-"

This time I was the one to cut him off by grabbing him by the collar and pulling him into another kiss. He smiled into the kiss a bit when he realized what I did.

I wrapped my hands around his neck and ran my fingers through his hair and he put his hands firmly on my hips.

That's when I heard Leo practically screaming "GET SOME NICO!!!"

We both pulled away and turned towards the door of the closet to see Percy lunging for Leo and was about to reach him when Jason stepped in front of Leo in one swift motion and they both landed on the ground in a sort of man-hug/ I'm-going-to-hurt-someone pose.

Nico and I walled out hand in hand with Piper wiggling her eyebrows at Nico and Leo smirking at me.

Today was a was a great day.

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