Chapter 2

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Everything on her person had different tones of pink. Short locks of curls tilted upward on her head. Her light-pink eyelashes stood out on her dark, mauve skin. The sclera of her eyes wasn't white but a darker shade with hot-pink irises. As she walked, her gown bounced with an enormous ribbon flowing behind her. It seemed even more peculiar that her feet were missing, leaving her levitating in the air.

Despite her looking nearly human, the nub of her nose was barely visible. Purposely, she moved her manicured fingers to her face to show them off. Their design had dripping frosting at the tips of her nails.

 Their design had dripping frosting at the tips of her nails

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Chalala's eyes widened as she fell into stunned silence. Oh, my word...

"This must be your first time meeting a princess. Is that why you're speechless?" The pink lady fluffed the bottom of her hair. "This flatters me. I suppose I shall give you my name. I am Princess Kaykecella."

"Princess?" Chalala repeated. Her awe showed momentarily on her face, only for her to shut it down almost instantly. She snorted. "I may as well be a princess. I'm as good as one. Finally, I meet someone equal to my standards here."

"Excellent! And how shall I address you?" Kaykecella beckoned her to come down.

Chalala let her feet come completely flat onto the ground. She released the bell, giving Kaykecella a stuck-up smile. "You can call me Princess Chalala. It's only fitting."

"Very well," Kaykecella said elegantly. "You are my special guest, Princess Chalala"—she lightly tutted—"you're in the wrong place, goodness me! Come—come along! Follow me."

"Of course!" Chalala beamed while practically strutting after her new friend. "It's only fair since you see me for what I really am. It's refreshing."

Kaykecella gave Chalala a grand tour. She showed her a large cake with strawberries on it. One strawberry had a lone eye that looked like a magazine cutout. It blinked as if in a jagged animation. Two legs hung from another strawberry. On the side of the cake were large lips. A butterfly sat on the upper lip. The lips moved. The butterfly didn't.

Once they reached a spa-like area, Chalala saw a pool within it filled with some sort of shimmering pink liquid.

"What is this?" Chalala asked. She put a hand in it and felt around. The liquid had a sort of thickness to it like soap, but it was odorless and sparkly.

"I figured I would give my special guest some pampering." Kaykecella shooed away a big nose that had grass sprouting above it like a vase.

Her invisible legs strutted toward a nail polish station. The polishes sat on a floating table. It dripped like melting ice cream on the sides. She took one of them, handing it to one of her servants. The round owl-like servant rolled its way to Chalala. Once it stopped, she noticed it wasn't just an owl. Its black eyes took space on the sides of its face. Its rabbit ears drooped on top of its head.

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