Chapter 4

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Chalala shrieked and jumped back with her arms straight up in the air. Her chest rose and fell dramatically.

"Oh, it's you." Xalei scratched his ear.

"Aw,'s cute!" she said once she got a better look at the creature.

It stood on its back two legs with its front legs held up, resembling a meerkat. Pink adorned the tips of her paws, and those paws framed the white tuft at her chest. The rest of her fur had a seafoam color, including her long ears that dragged on the ground.

Strawberry eyes gazed at them from beneath rainbow bangs. Her rainbow tail curled behind her.

 Her rainbow tail curled behind her

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"I am not an 'it'. I'm a girl! But I'll take the cuteness compliment," the creature said in a high-pitched voice, lifting her head as she pointed her unicorn horn at Chalala.

"Sorry!" Chalala apologized in a more sincere voice than Xalei had ever heard come out of her. She turned to him while pointing to the creature. "She is absolutely adorable!"

"I am, aren't I?" The fluff did a little twirl. She acknowledged Xalei. "Hiya! Didn't think to see you around these parts."

"Fienna," he said. "Good to see you. We're a bit busy at the moment."

Fienna hopped up onto a large leaf made out of a jigsaw puzzle and she got into Chalala's face. "Don't tell me this pretty lady is your partner. Hey, missy, want to be partners with me? Want to be friends? What's your name? Birthday? Hobbies?"

Chalala put a hand on her chest. "My name is Chalala. My birthday is...I don't know! My hobbies are...I don't know! Wait, I do know. I like to dress up my pet emu."

"You don't remember? Well, that's–"

"Now that you have gotten that out of the way," Xalei interrupted, "we'll be off. Good luck finding a human."

Fienna blocked his way. "Wait! She doesn't know my last name. It's RinnyBo!"

"That's nice. But that's the information we don't need," he dismissed.

"I want her as my partner!"

"Too bad."

"She's a better fit for me! We match in our aesthetics!"

"Too bad that's your problem. I saw her first." He tilted her head away by touching her horn, moving past her.

"She's better off with me instead." Fienna laughed. "She'll see why."

"Hey, hold on." Chalala gently grabbed onto his arm, pulling him toward her. "Maybe I should partner with her instead."

A smirk filled with mirth crossed her features. "She's a lot cuter than you, brainless bunny."

"You need to get better at your insults." Xalei's eyes, a vibrant shade of yellow, shimmered with guile. "Last I checked, bunnies don't have long tails."

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