THREE. problems of being too "nice"

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park sunghoon once held the mantle of being eunjin's greatest love, but whether that remains true is now a question mark. yet, that's secondary here. over their relationship, eunjin began to fathom the wisdom passed down by elders regarding love and heartbreak. initially skeptical, she hadn't cared much about these notions, perhaps due to being too young to grasp their depth.

they met when they were younger and ended up in the same classes for years. sunghoon was a natural at almost everything, making friends easily despite being a bit awkward in some social situations. he was athletic and clever, although he didn't take school seriously.

however, he wasn't flawless; no one is. yet, sunghoon embodied perfection in many ways and displayed flaws in others. he was undeniably a nice guy, albeit at times, excessively so. but being excessively kind doesn't set you apart. people tend to overlook goody-good shoes, often taking advantage of someone's niceness.

sunghoon's default response was always "okay" or "it's all good," particularly among friends, never one to disagree. he shrugged off disagreements, claiming a preference for going with the flow, despite secretly despising it.

every day, he assumed the guise of being laid-back and adaptable. however, this facade eventually fostered a growing animosity within him, a silent hatred that he harbored towards everyone, including himself and his friends. he never vocalized it, but his sudden absence became palpable, leaving others in limbo—a lingering issue with park sunghoon.

"you know, i think you should go for something you genuinely like." she mutters feeling sunghoon's thumb rubbing at her palms sensing a comforting warmth engulf her whole being.

"i'm doing something i genuinely like. what do you mean?" he looked down at eunjin, cocking a brow.

"no. i mean, the football thing? why'd you quit? it has always been your thing since we were kids! and you're really good at it." she sighs. "then i found out you're not doing it anymore and suddenly joining the school band. i know you're good at it too but sports seemed more of your thing, right? what's the sudden change?"

"i like music, too. but.. my friend loves football. he probably loves football more than i do. uh, we kinda heated up because of the competition thing. besides, i'm starting to like being in the band more. and we're remaining as friends too." he explains, making her frown deepen.

"you quit football for your friend?"

sunghoon shrugs, curling his fingers through her hair. "i don't like competition with my friends. and i told you, i'm into the band. no regrets—quitting means fewer problems, less conflict."

eunjin realized that his friend was always meddling, causing constant fights due to sudden pettiness, as sunghoon mentioned, and playing football doesn't seem fun anymore which made sunghoon consider joining the band, probably more enjoyable and he has a knack for playing instruments.

either way, he shouldn't have easily gave up on things he loved for a long time.

highschool bitterhearts, park sunghoon.Where stories live. Discover now