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The next morning Aimee and I once again arrived together, however today instead of hanging around outside in the courtyard Aimee decided to walk around with me. When we walked inside I saw Otis and Maeve talking together about the clinic I assumed seeing as Maeve handed some money to Otis. 

When Aimee and I walked past the duo Maeve noticed us and came up to us.

"Are either of you doing anything later?"

"Going to Kyles for a smoke, we're a thing now" Aimee responded.

"Why?" I asked.

"Basically I need someone to help me-"

"When you're stoned do you ever get like a really relaxed asshole? Cause the other day I was doing a bong with Kyle, and I swear I thought I was going to shit myself" Aimee interrupted.

"Aimee.." I said as Ruby came over the the lockers that we were all currently standing next to.

"What do you want, cockbiter?" Ruby said rudely.

I was about to speak when Maeve grabbed my hand and said to Ruby, "Nothing. Gotta go. Cocks to bite."

"Come on Elora," Maeve said to me.

She lead me toward the bathrooms.

"Could you do me a massive favour?" She asked in a hushed voice.

I nodded, "Of course. What is it?"

"Could you meet me somewhere after school at 6:30?" 

"Yeah, where?" I wondered.

"Great, I'll text you the address." She said before walking off to her class.

"But you don't have my phone number!" I called after her.

"I'll get it off Aimee!" She called back as she turned the corner, becoming out of sight.


The rest of the school day passed by quite uneventful. Seeing as I had no classes with Aimee nor Maeve, I didn't really talk to many people. Which wasn't always a bad thing, seeing as I did have a tendency to overshare.. don't worry not about weird things just random things.

Anyway, once school finished I met up with Aimee and we caught the bus home as usual.

I felt my phone vibrate and looked down to see a message from an unknown number.

+44 **** *******

Hey, It's Maeve. 

+44 **** *******

439 Trently St, 6:30pm

I smiled and liked the message before checking the time. 4:00pm.

Okay, I had time to get changed quickly.

I made sure to add her into my contacts and saved her as "Maeve :)"

Once it reached 6:00 I grabbed my tote bag which consisted of my phone, wallet, and snacks because I was always hungry.

I stepped off the bus and crossed the road to the abortion clinic.

But before I could even get up the stairs there were a pair of pro-lifers protesting on a bench.

"Excuse me, are you getting an abortion?" The girl pro-lifer asked me.

"Um, no. I'm meeting someone here, why should it matter anyway?" I responded as I started walking up the stairs.

"Did you know that at six weeks your baby can-" The male started but I just ket walking toward the entrance and shut the door in the pairs faces.

Idiots.. I thought to myself. They really think they have a say on what a woman does with her body?

I walked up to the counter and greeted the woman sitting at the desk.

"Hello, Im picking someone up."

"Of course sweetheart, do you have the name of the person?" The kind lady asked.

But before I could answer I saw a girl with blonde and pink hair exit the back room.

"You came," Maeve said as she saw me.

"Of course," I replied.

Before we left Maeve went over to the desk and the nice lady went over some basic things such as if she had any excessive bleeding to inform the clinic, and nausea was to be expected in recovery from a treatment like this.

As she turned to leave she looked at me, "Not a word." 

I nodded and we walked outside.


Maeve and I walk alongside each other as we start the walk back to Maeve's caravan. It was still quite nice outside considering the sun had just started to set.

"Are you okay?" I asked, not wanting to pry.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Maeve replied.

I heard my stomach grumble remembering I hadn't had dinner yet. I reached into my bag and pulled out two muesli bars, offering one to Maeve.

"Do you want one?" I asked.

"You're so weird Elora." Maeve said as she took it.

"Yeah, people have told me." I responded quietly.

"If you think I'm weird you should spend one day with my mum, she has all these stupid rules for me ever since I came back from boarding school." I said.

"She's basically mental." I added with a sigh.

"My mums a drug addict." Maeve said with a shrug.

This made me turn my head and look at her.

"She tries not to be, but she is." 

I didn't know what to say so I kept quiet, letting her speak.

"I haven't seen her in a while. And I have a brother, he's the funniest guy I know. But he's a bit all over the place." She said as she points to her head.

"I didn't-" I started but Maeve interrupted.

"Don't say sorry."

"Okay.." I said instead.

I looked over to her again but this time it was different to I had ever seen her.

She looked sad, vulnerable. Something I had never seen her as.

I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach at the sight of her like this. 

We walked in silence for another few minutes until we reached the hill that overlooked the caravan park that Maeve called home.

"This is me," She said not realising that I knew where she lived.

"I'm walking you in." I said after Maeve started walking off.

As we approached the caravan I asked her if she would like me to come in with her, to which she declined.

"I'll text you if I die." She joked.

"I'll keep my phone close," I joked back.

All of a sudden she hugged me, and I hugged back. It was a short hug but I could tell by the look in her eyes when we pulled apart that it meant something to her. 

"You tell anyone about this, I'll kill you." She said.

"I have a hatchet and I know a good place to hide a body." She added with a smirk.



okay so I know its been like weeks since I updated bc I had to change the like entire backstory lmao but anyway. Also I am kinda focusing on Aimee and Maeve's storylines in this story instead of Otis's like ive seen ppl do in their fanfics so it is going to be quite different in that way.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2023 ⏰

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