Ep 9. "The Planetary Prospect"

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"Alright everyone. Todays challenge is to create a civilization. So essentially each team gets a planet in the solar system and you have to pick 1 out of the 5-" "Here are the tools Chocolate Bar!" Icy appeared from behind Chocolate Bar carrying 2 large toolboxes. Immediately everyone's attention was turned to her.

"Uhh who's that?" Latte pointed at Icy. "Huh? O-Oh this is my new-" "IT'S A STOWAWAY! GET HER!" Nail yelled and grabbed a space rock from outside and threw it at her. Icy barely managed to move out the way almost falling down in the process. "HEY! Don't do that!" Chocolate Bar kicked Nail against the walls of the spaceship.

He took a deep breath and spoke again. "Everyone. This is Ice Cream Sandwich. She's my new co-host." Chocolate Bar announced to everyone. "Just call me Icy for short." She was currently hiding behind her dad still a little shocked from what happened. "When...did you hire her?"  Smarty said looking at the both of them. "Oh! Just a few hours ago!" Chocolate Bar said very nonchalantly. Everyone else exchanged glances.

"Is she even experienced?" It was now Broomer's turn to speak. "Oh yeah totally!" Chocolate Bar put a hand around Icy. She smiled awkwardly. "And what happened to Gummy Bear?" Chalky asked Chocolate Bar. "Oh-uhh...d-don't worry about her right now!" "Who's Gummy Bear?" Icy asked her dad. Chocolate Bar paused for a moment.

"Anyway as I was saying there are 5 planets to choose from. Gastro the fire planet. Nitroxin the metal planet. Heliosic the gas planet. Austophus the rocky planet. And finally Justopher the water planet. The boxes that icy has contain tools and materials that will help you create buildings and houses, etc..." Chocolate Bar began explaining the challenge again like never ever happened.

"We'll flip a coin to see which team gets to pick first. TTBO's heads or tails?" "Ta-" "HEADS!" The rest of the team interrupted Nail who was gonna say tails. "Okie dokie" Chocolate Bar flipped the coin and it landed on tails. "Tails!" Icy announced. "See! You guys never listen to-" They interrupted Nail again by sitting on top of him.

"AWEOT's what planet do you guys want?" "Uhh...what do you guys think?" "How about Austophus?" "Austophus it is." Chalky and Moonstone came to a conclusion.

"AWEOT's have Austophus. How about you TTBO's?" "We're going to pick-" "NO! LISTEN I'M GOING CHOOSE AND YOUR GOING TO LISTEN!" Nail yelled as he kicked Clay against the wall of the spaceship. "So anyway we pick Nitroxin!"

Icy approached the stunned Clay and picked him up. "You alright?" "Ugh...y-yeah. Not the first time this happened. Hey can you put me down now?" "Oh right. Heh heh sorry." She gently placed Clay back on the ground.

"Alright just head on these spaceships and you'll be sent!" The teams were inside their spaceships and were now on their way to their planets. Only Chocolate Bar and Icy remained on their spaceship.

"That was...interesting." Icy decided to break the silence. "Yeah. That's them alright. I deal with them every episode." Icy chuckled "Sounds fun right dad?" "No it...really isn't." Chocolate Bar sounded unamused. "By the way dad who is Gummy Bear-" "Nobody!"

"So do we just wait now?" Icy asked her dad. "Yeah basically. Since you helped setting up all the cameras on all the planets (minus Gastro for obvious reasons) it's all playing right here!" Chocolate Bar showed his daughter a giant tv screen showing what was happening with the two respective teams. "Cool..."

"Or..." Chocolate Bar said while pulling out some sort of device. "What's this?" Icy took the device from her dad's hands. "A teleportation device. Use that baby and it'll instantly bring you to one of the planets!"

Icy stared at the device and her dad completely astonished. "Dad how did you even get this?!" "Hey. When you're in a cartoon anything is possible!" "Uhh what?" "N-nothing! So uhh yeah! Go have fun Icy." Chocolate Bar patted her head and she used the device. Teleporting onto Austophus.
"Chalky hand me a pickaxe!" Chalky was now wearing sunglasses and a hat "No. You hand me a pickaxe." "Chalky what are you doing?" Moonstone grabbed the sunglasses off of Chalky. "gasp! Moonstone I'm trying to impress the audience!"

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