Ep. 10 "Town of Dismaylem"

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(Don't worry everyone I didn't forget about this book)

"Hey. Hey! Icy wake up!" Chocolate began shaking Icy who was asleep in her bed. "Huh? W-what's going on?!" "It's the challenge! It's starting today!" "R-REALLY?! Let's go!" Icy immediately hoped out of bed and outside very excited to start the next challenge. Chocolate Bar quietly laughed to himself.

"Last time we received 945 votes. A new record!" Chocolate Bar announced while Icy blew a party horn. "Woah that's amazing!" "Shut up Chalky." "Darn tootin mean old stinkers..."

"Today you are all strapped to the floor with a fan behind you. Whoever's eliminated gets released and falls into the fan! Afterwards you fall back into the blackhole and get rematerialized! Sadly..." after her dad finished speaking. Icy held up a little thumbs up.

"Alright so already safe are the TTBO's! Icy give them their prizes!" Chocolate Bar told Icy who was currently hiding something behind her back. "Hey what are you holding let me see!" Nail yelled out. "A KNIFE!...WELL THREE KNIVES!" Icy screamed sadistically as she threw the knives at the safe contestant. Impaling them with the knives but they didn't seem to care.

"Safe for the AWEOT's are Chalky and Smartie with 120 and 124 votes respectively." "Yes!" Chalky cheered happily.

"So. The last one safe. The one not eliminated. The one that is staying in the game. The one safe is..." Chocolate Bar kept dragging the suspension while Tub of Lard was so scared he punched Moonstone and grabbed the camera.

"Tub of Lard with 324 votes. Moonstone you've been eliminated with 377 votes." Chocolate Bar pressed Moonstones button. "No. NO-!" Moonstone got sucked into the fan and shattered instantly.


"Well now there's about...some number of you left-" "There's 7 of them left sir." Icy corrected her dad. "Oh right thank you. As I was saying there's only 7 of you left it's time for the merge!"

"Yeah!" Everyone cheered

"Nice! Sorry broski's Broomer is going solo!"

"Exactly. Anyway, today my little co-host has come with a challenge for you all. Take it away Icy!" Chocolate announced to the contestant as he moved over and gave Icy the spotlight.

"Thank you sir! Now where was..." she reached behind and grabbed a small notepad. "Ah here it is!"

*Clears throat*

"Today we are playing...Town. Of. Salem!" She said very menacingly.

"Oh w-what's Town of Salem?! Get me out of here!"


Chalky screamed as he immediately threw himself off the cliff. Completely stunning Icy. She looked back at her dad who gave her a little thumbs up. "You're doing great!"

"Sorry I think I overreacted. Continue."

"Thank you Chalky. Now as I was saying- Oh wait! I need to get into character! One second!"

Icy reached off camera and grabbed a black executioners hood and put it over her head.

"Uhh is that it-" Latte couldn't finish what he was saying as Icy then pulled out a giant halberd. Holding it with one hand while holding her notes with the other. "Okay..." Latte said quickly.

*Clears throat again*

"Town of Salem is a social deduction game that relies heavily on deceit and survival. Teams must work together or lie together to either lynch or kill the threats to the town or kill the town itself!......it's really fun!"

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