Icy arrives

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"What do you mean nobody responded?!" Chocolate Bar yelled into his phone. "You should have really seen this coming. After you said those homophobic things 2 episodes ago!" The voice on the other end replies. Chocolate Bar open his mouth to object but doesn't. "Ok you have a point."

"But what MY point is why are you still talking about this!" The voice says from the other side. "Look I-I just want another co-host. After Gummy Bear left things have been a mess." "Honestly. What happened was also your fault." Chocolate Bar was tense he wanted to argue back but the voice was right. He really didn't want things to get worse. "Also true" he finally replied.

"Look. I don't want to be the one who tells you how to do your job right but after what happened you should really let it go Chocolate Bar." Chocolate Bar sighed. They were right in every single way. The chances of him getting a new co-host were impossible.

"The ONLY reason why anyone would work for you would be if they were your best friend in bloody world. OR it's someone in your family.

Wait a minute...THAT'S IT!

"I-I have an idea!" "Wait what? I just said-" Chocolate Bar hung up. He had an idea. To some it may be a stupid idea. But a stupid idea is still an idea.

Chocolate Bar began calling someone else.

A car began pulling up and the person who was driving it was Chocolate Bar's wife. Snowcone. "Hey honey" Chocolate Bar called out to her. Snowcone sighed and walked over to her husband and they both kissed.

"I can't believe you actually thought about this..." Snowcone said to her husband. A bit of worry in her voice. "H-Hey don't worry. I'll look after her. And if they hurt her. They'll regret it."

"Where is she by the way-?" "I'm here!"

From the backseat of the car came a little ice cream sandwich. Obviously being the child between Chocolate Bar and Snowcone. She quickly ran over to her dad and they both hugged.

"Dad? Am I really gonna co-host with you?!" She asked her dad excitedly. "Of course you are! Your perfect for the job!" He said while picking her up from the ground. Snowcone gave her husband a "is she really though?" Look.

"Daaad! Please put me down. I'm not a baby anymore..." "But you'll always be my little girl." Chocolate bar hugged her tighter. "DAAADDD!" She yelled embarrassingly. Chocolate Bar laughed and put her back down on the ground.

Snowcone pulled her husband aside and faced him. "Just...please promise me she'll be fine." "Hey. When have I ever let you down" Chocolate Bar smugly replied to his wife. "That one time you literally ran off a cliff." "Oh c'mon that was years ago!" "You still did it. And it was hilarious." It was now Snowcones turn to mess with her husband.

"L-Look nothing bad will bad. She is the best thing to ever happen to us. I'll never put her in harms way." Chocolate Bar said while pointing at Icy. "Promise?" "I promise." Snowcone kissed both her husband and daughter goodbye and got back into her car and drove off. Leaving both Chocolate Bar and Icy.

"So what are we doing first dad?" She asked excitedly. "Oh well...something very special for the next challenge but..." Chocolate Bar fell short on his words. Icy was confused.

"C-Can you promise me something?" "What is it dad?" "Don't tell the contestants that I'm your dad ok?" "Huh? But why?" Chocolate Bar sighed to himself. He really had some explaining to do.

"Well...me and the contestants aren't really on the best of terms and if they find out that your my kid then...sigh I-I don't know I'm just scared of what might happen to you. Icy please do your old man a favor and do this for me. Please."

Unsurprisingly. Icy was confused on why her dad wanted to keep it a secret. Was he trying to protect her. This was her own dad she was talking too and he wouldn't lie to her. Icy looked back up to her father.

"Ok dad I promise." Chocolate Bar immediately embraced her and let go "Thanks so much. Now let's actually do stuff that hosts do!" Chocolate Bar and Icy began walking through the grass "Oooo and what's this super special thing?" "Setting up the challenge! In a very special place!" Chocolate Bar and Icy immediately started to banter with each other. "How special is this place then?"


Immediately it cuts them inside a spaceship in space while Icy is looking out the window. Astonished

"Woah. THIS. IS. AWESOME!" She screamed joyfully.

Chocolate Bar's "Assistant"Where stories live. Discover now