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Biology Class

it was one of favorite classes, the teacher was my favorite, and I was her favorite. A lot of the students in that class were upper-class men, didn't know many of them.

My biology class was after lunch, I never ate, the school's lunch was gross. I remember trying it a few years ago, I took one single bite, and spit it out, puking in front of the whole school. I shake my head, not wanting to think about that embarrassing moment.

I was walking to my biology class alone, my friends had ditched me once again. I feel someone's eyes on me and I look up, only to find Nick right in front of me.

"Hello" he smirks

I feel my cheeks heat up. He just stands in front of me, waiting for a reply. No words come out. "Are you okay?" he asks me

I nervously nod my head up and down. He slowly turns and walks away, furrowing his eye brows at me.

I sigh, it wouldn't have been the first time I was too nervous to talk to Nick. I try, and as hard as I try, no words ever come out.

I walk around the corner and into my classroom, almost running into a strange student, I've never seen him before. huh?

"sorry" he says. "are you okay? you look a bit shaken up" he rests his hand on my shoulder and leans down a bit, looking me in the eyes.

"yeah, fine" I say shyly, I try to walk around him, but he steps in front of me. "I'm sorry, I never caught your name" he raises his eye brows

"Scarlet." he shakes my hand. "I'm Drew, sorry for running into you" he stutters

"No, it was my fault" he smiles at me. "Sorry" I say and quickly make my way around him, throwing my books on my desk

The final bell rings and the classroom floods with kids. I look up from my notebook and the strange boy, Drew, stands above me. "Sorry to bother you again, but do you have a pencil I could borrow?"

"I do not, I'm sorry" I apologize for not being convenient enough to bring extra pencils to class, like I always do.

"Good morning! Please take your seats" the teacher smiles and looks around, taking attendance.

I tap my pencil on my desk until the teacher stops talking. I continue to look up, feeling self conscious. I blink and my eyes travel to the brown haired boy who I accidentally bumped into earlier. He turns his head, as if knowing I was looking right at him, he smiles and winks.

"Today I'm introducing a project. I will assign you the partners, and hand out the rubric and you'll have to read it yourself " she starts calling out kids names

I hear my name being called, "Scarlet Deno and Drew Little" he looks back at me and we wait for the teacher to stop talking before we walk toward each other.

We read over the rubric. "Biology is a natural science concerned with the study of life and living orgasms-" I stop, feeling the blood rush to my face. "Oh my god im so sorry"

He laughs and I continue, "organisms, including their structure, function, growth, evolution, distribution, and taxonomy."

Before we get to finish reading and talking about our project, the bell rings. "Have a great weekend!" the teacher yells.

"I will see you Monday" he pulls me in for a hug and says goodbye

My phone goes off. it's Amber, "are you still coming home with me? my boyfriend is gonna be there and he's buying everyone pizza so"

I reply. "of course I'm still coming, my weekends are consumed by sleep so yeah I'll be right over after school"

After my last class, I'm making my way to my car, pulling my keys out of my bag when someone calls my name. I turn around. "hey" he sighs

"Nick!" words finally come out. "Now you wanna talk" he laughs, which makes me smile

"Are you busy tonight ?" I frown, knowing exactly what he was gonna ask, the only time I have plans, did he really have to ask me tonight!

"I actually do have plans, but I'm sure my friend wouldn't mind if you joined us" I smile at him

"is this your car?" he asks as we approach my Honda. "yeppppp"

"can I ride with you? to your friends? I have no plans tonight and thought it'd be cool to hang out with you" he smirks and looks down at me.

God I love when he does that.

"oh uhm sure, I'm gonna stop and get some drinks, if you want something, it's on me" I fix my makeup in the mirror

We arrive at Amber's house and I knock on the door, being attacked by her. "Amber, this is Nick, and Nick this is Amber" they shake hands and smile at each other. "I've seen you around." she laughs. "Nice to have you join us" Amber says and leads us to her back yard, "the party's only just started" she turns around and smiles.

As soon as she finishes, the familiar boy from biology runs up to Amber and puts his arm around her waist

"Drew?" I laugh. He looks up from his red solo cup. "Scarlet!" he steps forward and hugs me

"Amber is this your boyfriend?" coincidence? I think notttt.

"Yes he is" she gets on her tippy toes and kisses his cheek, being so tall, she has to pull him down by his shirt to kiss him.

(A/N: ugh yall are really gonna love this story !! it's based off of something that's happening in my life right now)

biology class / COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now