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23 missed calls. 49 new messages.

All from Drew. Non-stop. it started before noon and its two in the afternoon.

I messaged Amber and told her to stop her boyfriend, and that I obviously didn't want to talk to him. she read the messages and didn't reply, and his calls and messages kept coming.

Spencer was gonna be here in two hours, my parents invited him over since we all had plans to head over to the art museum, a few cities over.

I finally opened the messages from Drew.

can we please talk

we need to talk

scar ..?

I need you

I need you right now

please answer my calls

why aren't you answering?


they wouldn't stop coming. but after thinking about what to say for approximately five minutes, I replied. "you know damn well I don't feel like talking to you."

"it's an emergency"

"is it really?" I ask

"I'm coming over in a few minutes be ready because im not waiting and we can't talk at your house"


and just as he promised, a few minutes later he showed up, of course shirtless.

I rolled my eyes as he opens his car door for me. "where are we going?" I question

"just to the park a few blocks away" he smiles.

once we arrive, we sit down on the swings. "I'm really really sorry about what had happened between us. I know I sort of rushed things then broke up with you, but I really did like you, a lot, and I still had feelings for Amber because it can't go away with the snap of my fingers and-" he speaks really fast when he's nervous. and he's talking really fast right now.

"drew, i know what happened, I've heard this story too many times" I argue with him, not wanting to hear any more of his bullshit.

"I just want us to go back to the way we were before, you have no clue how much I missed you" he shouldn't be saying this to me though.

"shouldn't you be saying this to Amber and not to me?"

"we aren't together anymore. she let another guy kiss her" he sighs

"drew im sorry about her and im sorry but we can't go back to the way we were. sure we could try to be as close as we were, but I don't know about getting back together. it didn't end well"

he stands up and in one motion he pulls me off the swing and holds me tightly in his arms.

and in that moment, my phone rings.


"hello?" I answer

"honey, spencer is here and it's almost time to leave, are you coming home soon?" my mother rushes

"yes I'll be home soon" I quickly end the call and grab drew by his hand, leading him back to the car.

I check my phone and it's 3:38, why did my parents always want to leave early?

drew drives back to my house and walks me into my house and invites himself in. spencer stands in the corner of the room, in grey dress pants, a grey blazer, and a white shirt on underneath the blazer. he pulls me into a hug, "you look great spencer" I say as I quickly walk off and I hear him shout a thanks.

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