5. Doubts

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What do you do on a boring summer Sunday morning? I called Kathy.
"Hey Kathy"
"Hey bitch, why haven't you called me. Fill me in."
"Wait you go first."
"Well the night of the concert me and Jack went to the bar and I got way too drunk but don't worry nothing happened..... Until yesterday we fucked before and after we went to go on our double date."
"Knew it."
"I know this maybe be weird but I think he's a really nice guy with good intentions" she continued "It's weird because it's coming from a fan but I got to really know him he's such a smart guy and he treats me well.... In the few hours we've been together. But I thought I was just gonna be another fan but he looks at me in a way that none of my other hook-ups do" she almost sounded like she wanted to cry.
"That's great Kathy I hope he does treat you well or I'll beat his scrawny white boy ass (kidding)" we both laughed.
"Anyways I saw Mr. Gilinsky looking at you the same way. So how good is he?"
"In what?"
"In bed ya know."
"OH MY GOD KATHY" I tried playing it off.
"Well, it's not my fault Johnson told me he wouldn't stop talking about you" I'll admit I turned red I thought Jack was like those asses who brag about their number count "yeah he said something like you treat him differently than everyone else."
"Oh" I didn't believe it he's had so many one night stands and I haven't even let him bang me.
"What did you do to him?"
I decided not to tell her because as much as I wanted to freak out and fan girl, I didn't want to be just that a fan girl "nothing."
"Oh typical Virgin Y/N" she sighed "you better swipe that v-card by Gilinsky I mean how many girls can say that?"
"Plenty" I was bitter I mean Gilinsky is too hot to not be banging girls left to right. He doesn't like me like Johnson likes Kathy. He's just in lust.
"Lie to me about not doing anything with him whatever don't tell me because Johnson told me that he never brought his hook-ups on a date."
"Ugh, Kathy. I'll call you later."
"K bye Mrs. Gilinsky!"
"Bye Kathy Johnson."
How can you believe something that has an equal chance of being true and false. I mean he's Jack Gilinsky who wouldn't want him but at the same time I wouldn't want to be that girl. He knows nothing about me or my last name. I mean not to be mean but Kathy and Johnson are in the same situation the only difference is Johnson is the guy I knew he was. Gilinsky isn't.
How can you love someone so much you forget to love the other half they don't show the world? Or you love them too much that you don't know that side of them is dangerous.
My phone rang again
I called Johnson to vent to him a little.
"Yoooo my main J" I said laughing
"What's up" he said sleepy.
"Damn Kathy tired you out? How is she?"
"Shut the fuck up man" he chuckled.
"But for real tho" I said in all honesty.
"I don't know man she's chill and everything. I felt rushed but ya know she's beautiful and amazing. I just want to make this right this time"
"That's great honestly I mean I saw you all happy and stuff that's cute"
"What about you and Y/N, have you told her?"
I sighed "no but I will eventually or she'll leave like they always do. I fucking like her man, this thing is freaking me out"
"It will, just tell her as soon as possible or take her out to eat" he suggested.
"Nice bro I'll call her right now"
"Ok bye"
I hung up and called her.
"Hey babe."
"Hey" I couldn't help it I was off again her voice is driving me insane and it was just her voice.
"Let's go out to eat tomorrow. I'll pay this time. I want to make it up to you."
"Ok, sure"
"I'll pick ya up again" she agreed and hung up.
I thought about this forever, I didn't want to do this anymore but I was still wishing it was gonna turn out right.
I can't even fathom how much I loved Jack but this was unbelievable. What if he is just playing me or faking it to get what he wants.
I walked up to my drawer and looked at myself my neck, I pulled my hair up and saw this it was slightly purple.
Did Jack really do that to me? I didn't even remember his grip being that hard. Is this really happening?
Can u some of you guys edit a cool cover like the one for this chapter? It's so hard to find the ones that one.
Submit at officialomahalane.tumblr.com/submit

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