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Carina was lying in bed, groaning listening to the voices outside her door. Maya and Jack were laughing at something, she had her pillow over her head, trying to ignore what was happening outside. 'I'll just go out get my smoothie and back in.' She thought, she stood in front of the door holding the handle trying to make herself open the door and get her "job" done.

Maya's hands were around Jack's neck, while his were on her waist, talking in close proximity. When Carina walked out, Maya's eyes quickly looked at the brunette walking out, they were staring at each other, none of them saying anything about last night, but both of them remembering the conversation.

"Good morning Carina, sorry if we woke you up." Jack said looking back at her, his hands still around Maya, while hers were slowly sliding down.

Carina nodded at him and looked around the counter to locate her smoothie. –"It's in the fridge." Maya said, but the brunette said nothing, just opened the fridge to get her smoothie.

"We should get going, I want to swing by the library to get a book." Maya said, grabbing her phone and Jack's hand and walking to the front door.

She looked back at Carina, not sure if she should say something, few weeks ago they were enemies, but here she was making her smoothies every morning. She awkwardly waved at her, but Carina did and said nothing just turned her back and walked to the living room.

"You make her smoothies and she doesn't have the decency to say bye." Jack commented.

"Maybe she had a rough night." Maya tried to ignore the whole situation, cause it made her uncomfortable thinking that every little process they made was for nothing. –"Can we stop by the dorm advisor as well? I want to file a request to change my roommate next semester, Thanksgiving is next week so..."

Jack agreed and they did everything as they planned to, he kissed her goodbye in front of the auditorium hall after making plans to meet up for lunch.

Carina on the other hand was getting ready for her microbiology class, but for some reason she felt angry, she couldn't pin point why? But she made plans to release all the stress after her classes.


Maya walked in the dorm room, seemingly empty, assuming the brunette wasn't back in, she sat on the floor and put all her mathematics books on the coffee table and started studying, getting lost in the problems, not noticing the brunette's room opening.

"Uh hey, sorry Car said we would be alone." Someone said.

She snapped her head around, feeling her neck muscles twitch from the sudden movement, she was met by a barely dressed female. Right when she was about to say something, she was cut off by Carina saying – "Get dressed, I have to study, I'll text you."

When the female left, Carina sat on the sofa, her legs next to Maya's body. –"She's a good lay." She said, leaned on the sofa and looking at the celling.

"Good." Maya said, not wanting to know more. She continued studying, struggling with a problem in linear algebra, she groaned every time she got the answer wrong.

Carina nudged her with her leg – "Do you need help?" She asked.

"No." Maya said.

"Let me see." she leaned over Maya to reach her book in the process breathing in how nice and sweet the blonde smelled, her hair smelled like apple and cinnamon, staying in that position for more than it was considered the normal amount.

She read the problem few times and sat next to Maya. –"I don't need help." Maya said again.

The Italian looked over the American's wrong answers and sighed, seeing that she was making the same mistake all the time. For Carina it was easy to notice, but not for Maya.

"Everything you do is actually correct, every step, but at some point you change 5 with 2 or vice versa." Carina explained, showing the blonde the mistakes she made.

Maya groaned yet again, for the hundredth time that night it seemed like. With her dyslexia she always mixed those numbers and now that Carina tried to help something was triggered in Maya. So she stood up getting away from Carina, going to the kitchen.

"Why are you helping me? I told you I don't need your help!" Maya slightly raised her voice.

"I just-." Carina was cut off by Maya –"You just what? Carina I don't wanna be your friend, please stop whatever the fuck this is. Please, you've done enough."

Maya didn't believe Carina had any good intentions, she was scared she would hurt her like she did when they were young. All Maya was trying to do was protect the little girl she once was, from the mean girl. But they weren't 5/6 anymore, she felt like now she would be losing more.

"Maya-." She was cut off yet again.

"Save it, whatever it is please." Maya said, grabbing her books and going to her room, but Carina was fast to grab a hold of her wrist and in the process turn her around, which made Maya angrier.

"Don't touch me like that ever again." She yelled at her, pulling her hand back and locking herself in her room.


Thanksgiving passed, Maya went home, while Carina stayed in. After the incident, they never spoke, Carina wouldn't dare to say anything to Maya even when she woke her up to make her famous smoothies.

Carina missed her morning smoothies, but most of all she missed seeing Maya first thing in the morning, she didn't want to confess that to herself and always pushed it away, somewhere in the back of her brain.

When Maya got back in, Carina was cooking, two pairs of everything set on the table, the dorm smelling amazing, like always when Carina cooked.

"Rest and come for dinner." Carina suggested, before the blonde got in her room, she didn't say anything back and just closed the door on her.

An hour had passed and Carina was standing in front of Maya's door, knocking inviting her for dinner. The American said nothing.

The dining table was set nicely, few courses, semi dry white wine, desert on the side, Carina sat down and decided to wait for her, but after half an hour she didn't show up. So she served herself some and started eating alone.


Maya was sitting in her room, her stomach begging her for the beautiful food just outside her door, but her ego was bigger than that. Few minutes later her stomach made a sound indicating it was actually time for dinner. She hoped the brunette was done eating and in her room so she could go out and get some food, but she was unlucky.

When she opened her door, Carina was eating her long, curly hair coving the side of her face, but when her eyes met Maya's something sparked in them, he lips got pulled into a small smile. "Hey." Carina said, her brown eyes burning into Maya's blue ones.

"Hi. I'm hungry." Maya said, which made Carina laugh.

"I thought you were Maya." Carina said which earned an eye roll from Maya. "Good cause there is food for two." She continued.

They ate in silence, stealing glances at one another from time to time. Both wanting to say something, but not knowing how to start a conversation.

"How long have you been with Jack?" Carina asked trying to talk about something, she hated eating in silence.

"Almost a year." Maya answered. Carina's eyes widened, a bite of food stuck in her throat so she started choking and coughing, realizing that Jack actually did cheat on Maya with her. "What?" Maya asked.

"Uh, oh nothing. It's a long time." Carina said avoiding eye contact. Playing with the food in her plate. "Dessert?" Carina asked changing the subject.

"No, I can't eat that much sugar my body is not used to it." Maya said, Carina raised an eyebrow waiting for further explanation –"I ate a lot for Thanksgiving."

Carina nodded, somewhat understanding Maya's diet, she never brought home anything unhealthy.

They talked a bitmore, learning things about each other, they were simple things, but sparkedsomething in them, something they weren't ready to dwell on just yet. 

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