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Maya and Andy were walking back from class discussing the exams they had few days ago, still waiting for the results, they were sure they passed, but both of them wished on getting good grades. Maya invited Andy over, expecting Carina to be out, like she always was around that time, but when they walked it they were met with a mess of a dorm.

"Oh, no, no, no." Maya said, walking further in. She saw Carina in a very festive mood, decorating the Christmas tree.

"What? Making the place feel more homey." Carina answered, like is the most obvious thing in the world. When she looked behind Maya she saw Andy. "Andy?" She asked.

"Hey Carina, I haven't seen you in ages." Andy said and they hugged. Again something was triggered in Maya, she felt betrayed because Andy hugged Carina, but there was something else lingering in herself. Another feeling she wasn't quite familiar with.

While they chatted for a bit, Maya walked in the kitchen to grab a snack, but she was met by a bigger mess, glitter all over the counter from the ornaments Carina had bought. Maya blew the glitter, so she could lean on the counter without getting some on her, when she sat down she looked at the scenery in front of her.

"So you are planning on going to med school?" Andy asked Carina.

"Well that's the plan, my father wants me to be a surgeon, but I'm not sure if I want that." Carina answered.

Maya had no idea that the brunette wanted to be a doctor, they haven't really talked about it, well to be fair they haven't talked about lots of things, so that left Maya lost in thought.

"Want to help?" She was asked by Andy, pointing at the tree.

"Uh, no, no thanks. I just want this mess to be sorted as soon as possible." She said moving her hands around everything, making a point.

"You're such a Grinch." Carina said pointing out Maya's attitude.

"Thanks, and what are you Mrs. Clause?" Maya bit back.

"Maya you are annoying me." Carina mumbled, rolling her eyes and opening another box.

"MaYa YoU aRe AnNoYiNg Me." Maya started imitating Carina, earning a laugh from Andy. Carina looked at Maya and if a stare could burn holes, Maya would've had been left with no head.

"What did you just say?" Carina asked.

"The same thing you did." Maya smiled at Carina, annoying her even more. "I was right, you are way more tolerable when you are sick." Maya continued.

Carina marched towards the blonde invading her personal space, eyes getting darker from anger, and there stood Maya smiling up at the brunette. Carina's eyes made the mistake of looking down at her lips, only for a split second, and up towards eyes again. Carina knew she wanted to kiss her, she was aware of how inviting Maya's lips looked, but her ego was bigger than that.

"I hate you and I hate looking at your face." Carina said, knowing that was the worst comeback of the year. Maya rolled her eyes, cause she also noticed the way Carina looked at her lips.

"Yes my ugly face, we know, nothing new here."

"Who even made the selection of you living with me?" Carina asked.

"Definitely not me. Cause I rather live with anyone, but you." Maya said going to the living room, to get away from the brunette.

Carina like always wanted to be the last one to say something in an argument, or in her books win the argument –"Fuck you." she said. By the time Maya was already familiar with it so she just rolled her eyes and bit her tongue, not to say something back.

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