Wintery Embrace

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Some of the waves of ourselves turn under a cover of new snow,
Silent whispers in the stillness, where our secrets gently grow.

In the hush of winter's embrace, a dance of shadows unfold,
Footprints of memories etched in stories yet untold.

Each flake, a chapter written in the language of the night,
Blanketing our yesterdays, painting the world in pure white.

Moonlight weaves a tapestry of dreams on the icy floor,
As hearts beat softly, echoing the tales of evermore.

Frozen crystals sparkle, reflecting the love we've known,
A symphony of quietude, where solitude is sown.

In this serene tableau, where time takes a gentle pause,
Eternal whispers linger, defying nature's laws.

As the snow embraces, a cocoon of serenity descends,
And our souls find solace in the beauty that never bends.

          - Willisha

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