My Experience With Satanism

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2020 was a bad year for me. Anxiety, loneliness, depression, and stress...

I stumbled upon the Satanic bible while exploring books to read.

I was fascinated to come across a religion so open-minded, and intertwined with reality. 

It was nothing close to what the priests had warned me about. 

No, it's not a cult. It was projected as evil by the society. 

It's a faith closely following Atheism. 

Satanism taught me to be selfish, self-reliant, and stand up for myself. Being selfish is not bad, at the end of the day only you will be there for you. 

At the start, I struggled a lot. I was afraid to tell people I was a Satanist in fear of being scorned. I have unconsciously said prayers of the religion I was raised in. It left me in doubt, was I not a true Satanist? 

As time passed by I found myself asking Satan for help instead. Previously, my prayers used to be "Please make this happen". Now it's, "Please help me make this happen"/ "Give me the strength to go through this". 

Satan is in a form yourself. Satan represents your human nature. 

I am not doing anything wrong. I did not harm anybody. Why should I be afraid? If people ask me about my faith, I proudly tell them with a loud voice "I am a Satanist." I've received mean looks and words telling me I have been brainwashed and I'm being astray. No, my head has never been more clear. I've had my realization and am leading a better life than ever. 

Do not let anyone tell you what to follow. You may feel comfortable in the religion you were born into, there is nothing wrong with that. Neither is finding a new religion which you can relate with.

Every religion will teach you a moral lesson. If Satanism is not the one for you, don't stop exploring every religion until you find the right one. But remember, a religion that promotes violence and stops you from being your true self, is not the one.

Those who chose Satanism, are welcome! 

Those who did not, Good luck finding your ideal religion.

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