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SATANISM encourages its followers to indulge in their natural desires. Only by doing so can you be a completely satisfied person with no frustrations which can be harmful to yourself and others around you. Therefore, the most simplified description of theSatanic belief is:INDULGENCE INSTEAD OF ABSTINENCE 

People often mistake compulsion for indulgence, but there is a world of difference between the two. A compulsion is never created by indulging, but by not being able to indulge. By making something taboo, it only serves to intensify the desire. Everyone likes to do the thing they have been told not to. "Forbidden fruits are sweetest."

Webster's Encyclopedic Dictionary defines indulgence thusly: "To give oneself up to; not torestrain or oppose; to give free course to; to gratify by compliance; to yield to." The dictionary definition of compulsion is: "The act of compelling or driving by a force, physical or moral;constraint of the will; (compulsory, obligatory)." In other words, indulgence implies choice,whereas compulsion indicates the lack of choice. 

When a person has no proper release for his desires, they rapidly build up and become compulsions. If everyone had a particular time and place for the purpose of periodically indulging in their personal desires, without fear of embarrassment or reproach, they would be sufficiently released to lead unfrustrated lives in the everyday world. They would be free to plunge headlong into whatever undertaking they might choose instead of going about their duties half-heartedly,their creative urges frustrated by denying their natural desires. This would apply in the majority of cases, but there will always be those who work better under pressure.

 Generally, those who need to endure a certain amount of hardship to produce to their full capabilities are in basically artistic vocations. (More will be said later about fulfillment throughself-denial.) This does not mean to imply that all artists fit into this category. On the contrary, many artists are unable to produce unless their basic animal needs have been satisfied. 

For the most part, it is not the artist or individualist, but the average middle-class working man or woman who is lacking the proper release for their desires. It is ironic that the responsible,respectable person - the one who pays society's bills - should be the one given the least in return.It is he who must be ever conscious of his "moral obligations", and who is condemned for normally indulging in his natural desires. 

The Satanic religion considers this a gross injustice. He who upholds his responsibilities should bemost entitled to the pleasures of his choice, without censure from the society he serves.Finally a religion (Satanism) has been formed which commends and rewards those who supportthe society in which they live, instead of denouncing them for their human needs. 

From every set of principles (be it religious, political, or philosophical), some good can be extracted. Amidst the madness of the Hitlerian concept, one point stands out as a shining example of this - "strength through joy!". Hitler was no fool when he offered the German peoplehappiness, on a personal level, to insure their loyalty to him, and peak efficiency from them. 

It has been clearly established that the majority of all illnesses are of a psychosomatic nature, and that psychosomatic illnesses are a direct result of frustration. It has been said that "the good die young." The good, by Christian standards, do die young. It is the frustration of our natural instincts which leads to the deterioration of our minds and bodies.It has become very fashionable to concentrate on the betterment of the mind and spirit, and to consider giving pleasure to one's body (the very shell without which the mind and spirit could notexist) to be coarse, crude, unrefined. AS OF LATE, MOST PEOPLE WHO DEEM THEMSELVES EMANCIPATED HAVE LEFT NORMALCY ONLY TO "TRANSCEND" INTO IDIOCY! By way of bending their behinds around to meet their navels, subsisting on wild and exotic diets like brown rice and tea,they feel they will arrive at a great state of spiritual development. 

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