God The Real Villain ?

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'God'  putting 2 vulnerable and naive people in a place and telling them ' don't eat that sweetie' is frankly a dirty trick

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'God' putting 2 vulnerable and naive people in a place and telling them ' don't eat that sweetie' is frankly a dirty trick.

Notice, by the way, that there are 2 special trees in "the garden."

The snake tells them the "apple" would make them smart. That sounds like good advice to me.

We like the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

(For knowledge will set you free)

Thank you, Mr. Snake. You good.

The other guy is sneaky, demanding, and controlling, setting you up to fail, keeping you slave to guilt, and making you feel bad. He is nasty.

If you read the bible as just a book, God is clearly the greater villain

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If you read the bible as just a book, God is clearly the greater villain. First things first, the bible in its praises of god imply that he is omnipresent (is everywhere all the time), omnipotent (is all powerful), and omnibenevolent (is 100% good and kind). Regardless of whether or not that's the case ask any Christian and they'll most likely agree with those attributes of their god. 

For the record, the bible also states that god stays the same yesterday, today, and forevermore (Hebrews 13:8). With that being said he created everything in existence fully knowing that the snake in the garden was going to tempt Eve and Adam and mess up god's whole "perfect original plan." 

So instead of just Thanos snapping the world back to perfection he curses not only the humans who actually did the sin he cursed all humans forever to be tortured eternally if they don't bow down and grovel at his feet; then you get to go to a good place where you'll literally be doing that for all eternity, but hey no torture right? 

How about the genocides plural that god commanded the Israelites to commit? (1 Samuel 15:2-8) . The passage is only one example but one is enough I think. What about the sacrifice of Jephthah's daughter to god which he accepted? (Judges 11: 30-39). What about the children he had brutally mauled by bears because they made fun of his prophet's bald head? 2 kings (2: 23-24). What about the sanctioning of SLAVERY which was later used to defend Atlantic slavery in America (Leviticus 25: 44-46)? 

Before you say those are just the old testaments and God changed all that with the new covenant, Jesus aka God in the flesh literally he does not come to bring peace but a sword and to split up families (Matthew 10: 34-37). He also calls for the deaths of nonbelievers (Luke 11: 19-27). Think about it; if you believe in a God that can do all that and knows everything that has happened, that is happening everywhere, and will ever happen and whose being is necessarily all good then that means your God is everywhere simultaneously meaning he's there with every starving and dying person with arms crossed, every rape, murder, and genocide not only permitted to occur but he was present during just watching. 

Contrast that with the deeds of the devil: he kills Job's wife and kids and gave him some form of illness with gods explicit permission to do so. God if he were real is clearly the bad guy but every horrible thing he did in the bible and if he were real every horrible thing that has ever happened is just hand waved away by people too emotionally invested. The devil is the lesser of the two evils.

 The devil is the lesser of the two evils

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