Super Dream(part 2)

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Over the next few days I incorporated my interview(if you can even call it that) into my article. Becuase that "interview" was really all I could from Dream, I decided to shift my articles' focal point.

Writing about how the city has been effected by these weird super villains has been a very dehumanizing task. Seeing all those people who've been hurt in crossfire made me want to claw my eyes out after crying for 28 consecutive hours.

Because of this, I asked my now very good friend, Clay, to help me gather pictures. Isn't it great that he happens to be from the photography department :).

"George, if you're not comfortable with seeing this kind of stuff, you don't have to come with me. I can get the photos from the hospital and you won't have to see anything in person." Clay says as he parks his car in the hospital parking lot.

"No, Clay. I have to go in there. I want to be as well educated on this matter and that means seeing whats actually happening." I said totally ignoring my shaking hands.

We climb out of the car and briskly walk toward the entrance of the hospital. My stomach churned with anxiety as we pushed through the doors. Clay must've sensed this because he grabbed hand and squeezed it in reassurance. I shot him a grateful smile and squeezed his hand back.

After talking with the receptionist and various doctors we were granted permission to meet some of the patients.

"Um, hello Chloe." I said in a shaky voice trying to sound upbeat for the patient.

Earlier, the doctor told us that Chloe had been hit with a laser thing from the one mechanical man Dream was fighting on the day of the interview. She had burns across her chest and a shrivled left arm. She still wore a bright smile that made me want to give all of my joy and happiness to her.

I turned to Clay, who was smiling at the us while simultaneously taking pictures for the paper. But I could tell there was an underlying guilt in his expression. One that, in all honesty, I didn't fully understand.

Suddenly the building shook. People began running up and down the hallway, shouting. Chaos erupted as Clay and I ran to an exit. Once out of the building, I could see an aircraft floating above the hospital. I stood frozen, not knowing what to do. I could see the debris coming toward me but my body wouldn't move. I think I'm going to die.

Suddenly Clay grabbed me and we flew up.

Wait, what?

I break out of my trance and look around. AH. I'm in the air. How. Why. I cling to the nearest thing which happened to be a shoulder. Clay's shoulder. I'm flying... in Clay's arms. Clay is flying and I think I'm going to faint.

Clay steers us away from the commotion and drops me off at his car.

"George, I need to you listen to me. Take my car and drive. I don't care where just get away. Make sure your phone still works and call me when you get to a safe place." He says closing the door and giving me his keys.

Clay shoots a soft smile at me before kissing my hand(😳) and flying into the air toward the flying aircraft thing. I sit there, flabbergasted still. Clay's clothes fade away into Dream's green suit and my jaw dropped to the floor. Clay was Dream. I'm definitely going to faint.

After a few minutes of rethinking my life for the past couple months I did as Clay said. I put the car in drive and sped away. I didn't know where to go. My work? No, it's a big office building in the heart of the city that could easily be a target for villains. My apartment? No it's almost top floor of a building that's also in the heart of the city. Clay's apartment... is on the outskirts of the city in a small building with 5 other units. And I have his keys.

I pulled into Clay's designated parking spot and quickly got out of the car. I made my way to his unit and collapsed on his couch. I hope it's ok that I'm here. I lay there for a while before sitting up and grabbing my phone. I text Clay that I'm safe at his apartment and I turn on my location for good measure. I turn on the tv and the first thing I see is the fight. Or well the aftermath. How long was a lying there for? I see that the hospital is, thankfully, still standing and I hear that none of the patients were newly harmed in this incident.

Just then the door unlatched and I jump up. Clay walks through the door back in his regular clothes and a few scratches on his face. He gives me a bashful smile as he walks toward the couch.

"So..." he starts

"So." I finish, holding my breath

"Now you know my little secret." Clay joked, standing awkwardly in front of me. I have no idea what to say. I have so many questions.

"I- uh, you're Dream?" I say stumbling over my words. I just can't believe it. Clay is the superhero that's been trying to get in my pants for two months. That is so hard to believe. Clay is nothing but a sweetheart that looks like some jock that would be on Love Island or something.

"Uh, yeah. I'm sorry for not telling you earlier. I know you wanted more for your story. I was trying to keep it a secret but I couldn't have you hurt back there. You're too important" he sighed taking a seat on the couch.

I collapse next him and rub the bridge of my nose.

"Did you mean all of those things?" I ask, turning toward him.

"What things?" He says, obviously avoiding eye contact.

"You know, all the flirty comments and pick up lines. Dream really has a thing for me but is that true for Clay too?" I ask (please pretty please say yes, I want to have a superhero boyfriend so bad. I love him too but superhero boyfriend 😍) <— George's unhinged thoughts

"Uh, without the suit I can't possibly be that bold but if you'll take the Clay version of me then yes. I think I love you George."

I fall on top of him and squeeze my arms around him. He lets out a relieved laugh and hugs me back and I wish I could stay here forever.

"Well, I like both of you." I say as I cuddle up to him. I can feel his smile even though I can't see it and it makes me smile wider. Guys, I bagged a superhero!

~~1136 words~~

Ok, so, I had two ideas for the reveal and I think this one was more dramatic so I went with it(lowkey kind of mixed them so if it's bad sorry) I was thinking of doing little stories of Superhero Dream saving George as its own book. Maybe a whole plotted book even, if anyone's interested. It all depends on my wavering motivation(🥲). Anyway, thanks for reading <3

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