Crush Culture(part 1)

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Ok, it's not creepy if he doesn't know, right? Like changing your route to class to pass him in the hallway is completely normal. Well, I admit trying to see him every waking moment of my life and running away when he sees me is a little crazy, but that's what having a crush is like. I mean, it isn't supposed to go any other way.

"George!" Ok, time to stop being creepy and come up with an excuse as to why I'm hiding behind a dumpster. "Um George? What are you doing back here?" Karl, of course is Karl. He can loose his phone in 10 seconds but the minute he looses me he runs frantic. "I've been looking for you everywhere!" He said that way to loudly. It caught the attention of a group of boys that just so happened to have him in it. Him being Clay. Like top of his class, on the lacrosse team, Clay. Like super gorgeous, perfect smile, golden hair, Clay. Ok yeah, you get the gist. And oh no, they're looking. I'm behind a dumpster! I hope they can't see me. I gotta make a run for it.
As I running away from the prettiest man alive, I can hear Karl shouting behind me. This must be a weird sight. I feel like I'm running for my life. Where am I even running to?

Apparently I was running to the art room. Or that's where I ended up. "George, what just happened? First you were hiding behind a dumpster and then you just bolted. What's going on?" Karl said waving him arms trying to look somewhat angry. (It wasn't really working) "Karl you interrupted something ok." I huffed, walking around the room. "Ohhh, I know that voice. You were being creepy again, weren't you?" Karl says with a sly smile. "I have no idea what you're talking about." I state crossing my arms and most definitely not making eye contact. "Clay was there. I know how much you looooove Clay." Karl says in a sing-song voice. "Yeah, he was there. What of it? It's not like I was there just for him." I scoff. "But you were behind a dumpster?" He says bluntly. "Whatever, we're going to class now." Good change of subject, George.

Ah, yes chemistry class. I love chemistry. All the confusing formulas and lab periods. Totally my favorite class(this is sarcasm btw). Though, I'm actually pretty good at it. Which, if you knew anything about me, is mildly surprising. The real reason I put up with this class is because Clay is in it. Like what are the chances. I like to believe it's fate. "Class, since it is the start of the second semester, I have decided to assign new lab partners. Please stand in a line in the back of the class." The teacher says as he writes some funky equation on the board. New lab partners? Great! I didn't like Emily anyway. She was kind of stuck up. "Emily and Desmond, Clay and George, Kieran and ...." What a second. Did I here that right? NO WAY. Kill me now. But also thank you?  Is this fate again? I'm having conflicting feelings. I get to sit next to him and talk to him and see him and everything. But I have to sit next to him. And talk to him. And he has to see me. Oh no. No no no no. I can't stop repeating this in my head as I walk the lab table the teacher assigned. I sit down and Clay sits down right next to me. I can't tell if this is a dream or a nightmare. "Hey I'm Clay. I don't know if we've ever spoken." He says with that stupid perfect smile of his. Wow, now I get to see it up close. "Um yeah I'm George. I've seen you around it's nice to actually meet you." Omg my voice is so shaky. 'I've seen you around? Uh duh we're in the same freaking class! This is a disaster. Let me die in a hole, please. Is this how it's going to be everyday? "Are you any good at chemistry? I'm alright myself, but I need to know if I'll be carrying this operation." He says with a little wheeze at the end. I stare. Like hard stare. I need to stop staring. "Are you alright?" He asks once the wheeze has finished. "Uh yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. I'm mediocre at chemistry but I'll try not to be a deadweight." I smile and the bell blares through the room. Thank freaking god.

"Karl! Karl please I'm freaking out." I say as I run into the empty classroom we always eat lunch in. "Help, Karl! He's my lab partner. What do I do? I can't take that everyday for the rest of the year. I'll die of embarrassment!" "Woah woah. Calm down. Now explain." He says while holding onto my shoulders. "He's my lab partner. Clay. I can't take that class anymore. I need to go dig myself a grave." I say sitting down in a desk. "Wait so you're telling me that your crush of multiple years is now you're lab partner." Karl restates as a nod. "So he has to pay attention to you. And see you everyday and work with you?" I nod again confirming Karl's statement. "What's so wrong with that? That makes asking him out like 1000 times easier!" Karl exclaims happily. "Noooo. You don't get it." I say "It's totally not great. I have to talk to him and all I do it stutter and I'm for sure not going to be able to focus on the material and I'm going to drag our labs down. This is the worst thing that has ever happened." I say dragging my hand down my face. "Well, maybe this is just the universe giving you an in. Just take it. I'm sure your wonderful personality will do everything and you'll be dating Clay before you know it." Karl says while blinking his eye rapidly and twirling around. I roll my own eyes and start to eat my lunch. I am completely and utterly screwed.

The bell rings signaling that lunch is over. Karl leaves for math while I'm still packing my lunch box into my backpack. I make my way out of door and I run straight into someone. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! I didn't see you I promise it wasn't on purpose." I say bending over to pick up their book. "Woah. Hey, no worries. Accidents happen." The person says. I look up and hand the person their book back. Oh shit, it's Nick. Or, well, Sapnap. More importantly Clay's best friend. All I can say is I'm grateful that it wasn't Clay. "Yeah I'm still sorry." I say as my cheeks flush from pure embarrassment. "Hey you're Clay's new lab partner right?" He asks as I close the classroom door behind me. "Uh, yeah. How'd you know?" I say a little weirded out. "Clay was talking about you during lunch." He says with a chuckle. "HE WAS? Um, I mean, he was?" I say totally not making a fool out of myself. "Uh yeah and I'm starting to think someone might be happy to hear that." He says with a smug smirk. "I have absolutely no clue what you are implying." I say hiding my face. "Well I just want you know that you should definitely shoot your shot. You never know what might happen." He says as he walks off. "Huh? What does that mean? What does he know that I don't?"

The next day: back in chemistry

"So class, today I'll be assigning a project that will he completed in pairs. You will be working with your lab partner for this project. I will give to today's class period to work on it but the rest you will have to do on your own time." The teacher says as he passed out the project information. Oh great now I'm going to have to spend time outside of school with Clay. If I wasn't so awkward this would be great! But I'm me and that's not possible. "Hey, what do you want to do our project on?" Clay asks snapping me out of my trance. "Uh anything I don't really care. Pick something you're interested in." I say shrugging. "Alright, thermodynamics it is." He exclaims. Wow I would've picked that too. It's like we have similar interests! He starts to fill out the little worksheet to hand to the teacher. "Hey George, when do you want to meet up the work on this? I'm free after school today. You'll just have to wait for my lacrosse practice to be done." He says scribbling his and my name down on the sheet. "Uh yeah that's fine. Who's house should we go to?" I ask praying it's not mine. My mom would have a field day. (Yes she knows about my crush). "Um, we can go to mine. We'll just have to avoid my sister." He says as he stands up to hand the paper in. He has a sister? I didn't know that. Helpfully she's nice and doesn't see right through me. "Uh yeah that's fine." I says gathering my stuff. Just them to bell rings and I'm off to lunch.

1564 words

Ok this is just part 1. I've split it because it was getting too long lol. Dw we'll get to the good stuff in the next part. Sport if this one's a little boring to plot hasn't thickened yet:)
As always thanks for reading!

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