It was Past

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Hello guys,

Back with the new chapter after more than 3 years 🫣😅


Mishu and Ragini were sitting beside unconscious Shekhar. Tears were flowing continuously from Ragini's eyes. Mishu was trying her best to console her Ragu Bachha.

"Baba, I am sorry. Please wake up. I won't get angry with you. I'll be your Ragu Bachha again. Just don't stay like that. I am sorry, Baba." she placed her head at the back of his and which she was holding.

"Why are you saying sorry, Ragu. Baba is guilty. Please don't shed tears for your heartless baba." said Shekhar painfully, as he got conscious after a whole day.

"Baba!!!!" Ragini shriek with happiness and jumped over him to give him a tight hug. Shekhar winced in pain but took her in his warm embrace and held her tightly.

Her eyes flooded with tears again. " Please, baba, don't leave me. I already lost Misthi Maa, I don't want to lose you. I'll be a good girl. I won't throw tantrums. I won't stay angry. I am sorry, Baba. Please forgive your Ragu."

Avi and Janki too rushed to the room, hearing her shriek. Janki's eyes were too filled with tears to see her daughter like this. Mishu gave her a side hug and put an arm around avi to console them. She has to brave after all, she is the eldest, and she can't break down that easily.

Shekhar parted the hug and took Ragin's face in his palm. He caressed her hair and wiped her rapidly flowing tears, nodding in no.

"Please, Baccha. Don't cry. It's breaking my heart to see you like that. I am sorry, Ragu. I am sorry for everything. For believing my mother, for not having trust on our love and doubting Mishti, for leaving you out there at night, for hiding it from you for so long, for making you cry, for everything."

Shekhar was on his verge of breakdown. He was ashamed of his past deeds. He was about to say more when Janki interrupted.

" I am at fault. I shouldn't have said all this. Neither I bring the past nor it came out like that. Please, you both forgive me. " Janki was holding back her tears and trying to be brave at that moment, but as soon as Ragini stood up and hugged her, she too broke down.

" No, Maa, you don't blame yourself. It's good that I got to know who gave me birth. But I am happier that life gave me a chance to be your daughter. I don't have any complaints from you. You are the best mother in the world. " Ragini said, wiping her tears.

Shekhar, too, came near them with Mishu's help. " I too got to know about my mistakes and wrongdoings which I did to Misthi. I am the one to be blamed for all this." said he painfully.

"Can we put all apologies aside and have a family hug? I don't want to see this blaming game. No one is to be blame, it was the circumstances that made you do what all happened. And it was all in the past. What matters is our present and the future. " said Mishu, wiping the corner of her eyes and giving them an encouraging smile.

Ragini, too, nodded and opened her arms wide with a warm smile and teary eyes, calling for a family hug. Shekhar and Janki took her in their warm embrace from both sides. Mishu too came and put her arms around them, joining the hug.

Avi, who was silent till now, smiled with happy tears. "Finally, I am getting my family back."

Everyone smiled, looking at him, and welcomed him to join the family hug.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2023 ⏰

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