Past Unfold

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It's been several days after that heartfelt conversation. Both didn't talk about that topic again. But that day changed something in between them. Both are aware of the connection they felt. It was unspoken but it was there.

Ragini was sitting in her room sipping hot chocolate when Janki came. " Ragu bachha, Do you need anything more?" she said caressing her hair softly.

" No, Maa..!!! I just had cake,you made for me. " Ragini said smiling. She was trying hard to be as comfortable as before with her, but some part of her still longing for the woman who gave birth to her.

" Can I ask you something Maa? " she looked at Janki with hopeful eyes.

Janki sat beside her and nodded with a smile. " Ofcourse beta. You can ask anything. "

Ragini took a deep breath. " How was she, Maa ? "

The question was self explainatory as about whom she was asking for. It made her remember those bittersweet days of her life, which she want to forget. But this time, Ragini should know about it.

Janki put a brave smile on her lips. " She was the most selfless person, I have ever meet. Mishti, Her name was Mishti. Your father's first wife. "

Ragini looked at her shocked. She didn't know what to say to this revelation.

Shekhar who came back from his business trip, surprisingly a day before, halted listening their conversation. A mixture of pained and guilt expression crossed his face.

" Wife? " Ragini uttered.

" They were in the same college. Shekhar got married to her after their graduation, without his parent's permission, as she didn't have anyone in her family. After a year later, his parents came to know about the marriage."

Ragini was listening everything with blank look. " His parents refused to accept the marriage but after seeing their love for eachother they accepted your Mom." Ragini felt a tinge of happiness after listening 'your Mom'.

Shekhar was dreading for the upcoming part, as he didn't want his innocent Ragini, to know what her mother did after that, about her infidelity in their relation. He didn't want to potray her bad image in front of Ragini.

He was about to go inside and stop Janki, for saying futher. But stopped himself listening her next words.

" Mishti, got her first miscarriage, a year after that. That time, Shekhar went for his business trip, as he was establishing his business. "

Shekher felt flabbergasted listing this. He never knew, that they lost their first baby in that early age. Ragini felt her eyes moistured as she gulped visually.

" His mother blamed Mishti for it and told her not to say about this to Shekhar.The torture started after that. She got taunted for her every action. I was their neighbour and saw everthing with my own eyes."

Janki took a deep breath as she felt remorse saying this. "I never liked Mishti,because, I loved Shekhar from my school days. And when she came as his wife, that made me dislike her instantly. "

" She used to pretend happy whenever Shekhar was around but she was heartbroken as day by day his mother's words getting worse. " Shekhar was standing at the door blank as he didn't know about this part of his story.

" After few months, His mother came to our house for my hand for him. She spewed so much venom against her and we belived it. I was on cloud nine as I was going to marry the love of my life. " Janki looked at Ragini with guilt, but Ragini was just staring at her blankly.

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